Health Fitness

6 things you should not do after Lasik surgery

Lasik surgery is one of the most recent medical advances of the decade, working to permanently correct vision by reshaping the cornea of ​​the eye with a laser to reduce dependence on prescription glasses. This painless procedure involves avoiding participation in daily activities after surgery to allow the eyes to heal successfully and at a steady rate.

1. Gaze at the bright lights

Patients undergoing Lasik eye surgery are given a set of dark sunglasses that will eliminate light and create a dark environment that is gentle on vision. This includes going to sleep wearing protective glasses, which not only block light, but also protect the eyes from rubbing or scratching. The lights in the house should be dimmed, along with all the blinds tightly closed.

2. Drive

Undergoing Lasik eye surgery means having a dependency on other people during the healing process. Patients are unable to drive or transport themselves for a few days after surgery, even at night. Driving at night should be avoided for a period of two weeks due to visibility problems that can occur. When going outside, sunglasses should be worn at all times, including in the car.

3. Apply cosmetics

The eyes should not come into contact with cosmetics to any degree for a week after surgery, which often irritate and infect the healing process to dangerous degrees. The application of false eyelashes should also be avoided.

The only product that is allowed in or near the eyes is the supplied eye drops that are used to promote moisture and hydration. Fingertips shouldn’t be close to your eyes either, which can easily transfer dirt and germs. It is recommended that the eyes do not come in contact with the fingertips for the first two weeks after surgery to prevent the Lasik flap from moving or detaching.

4. Exercise

Although many assume that exercise will not affect the eyes to any degree after surgery, doctors do not allow it. Even after the healing process, precautionary measures should be taken and mild degrees of physical fitness should only be started a month later.

Rest is required after surgery for three days, which consists of using a minimal amount of time to watch television, use the computer, and spend time with family. Sleep is encouraged, as keeping your eyes closed will enhance the healing process and reduce discomfort.

5. Drink alcohol

As with any surgery, the patient is not allowed to drink alcohol for the first two days. Alcohol can easily slow down the healing process and should not be mixed with prescription drugs.

6. Shower

Patients should avoid bathing in showers to prevent water from getting into the eyes. Instead, it is recommended to take baths for the first week without washing your hair. Goggles can be worn in the bathroom to protect the eyes from water. To wash your face daily, use a wet washcloth without using soap or harsh chemicals on your face.

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