Bullfighting: a dance with death

Even though most people have the impression that bullfighting is unique to the whitewashed towns of Ronda, in Andalusia, Malaga and Seville (although they are not towns, they are also in Andalusia), they are really great places to see a bullfight, along with Madrid. Ronda is the original place where modern bullfighting began, which is why Ronda’s bullring is highly […]

Dorothy Parker and anti-Semitism

Definition of anti-Semitism: discrimination, prejudice or hostility towards Jews. Dorothy Parker fans know her best-selling books, poems, and short stories. They are also well aware that Dorothy co-founded the Algonquin Round Table in the 1920s. In the 1930s she was nominated for an Academy Award for her screenplay for A Star Is Born. Also in the 1930s, Dorothy Parker co-founded […]

A modern case of past life regression

Past Life Regression (PLR) can be both an experimental technique and a form of therapy, but it has scientific credibility only if reincarnation is scientifically proven to exist. The existence of reincarnation is not yet a scientific truth. Recent studies indicate that reincarnation deserves to be recognized as a scientific hypothesis because it can be falsified or confirmed through scientific […]