winter sports vs summer sports

Winter sports Vs summer sports, who will win? As you may already know, the seasons call for different types of sports for the younger and older generations. It definitely also depends on what state, area and country you live in. The season and the temperature require different types of sports. Let’s take a look at some sports you can do […]

Are you ready for your job interview with Stryker?

Stryker is a surgical supply company with a reputation for being a tough company to work for, but also a strong place on the list of the top 10 medical device companies in the United States. For the surgical sales professional, Stryker is one of the top organizations people want to join. Lots of candidates interview with Stryker…but not many […]

The woman who became a man

In 1893 there was a scandal of dimensions in Copenhagen. The renowned superintendent of the home for rebellious or orphaned children, KANA, that is, Vilhelmine Møller, confessed to murdering one of the orphans. The unfortunate boy was 15 year old Volmer Sjøgren and his reasons for taking his young man’s life was that they had been lovers and that sadly […]

paramedic books

Books have been a fundamental learning device for knowledge. They become an essential part of learning and is the common source of knowledge for all. Many times, the books can be seen in school libraries and are frequently used among students. In medical school, there are thousands of books as resource material for every medical student and this includes paramedics. […]

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Education: Why Invest in Education as CSR in India?

Education is the most powerful tool to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty: it helps to overcome inequalities, promotes inclusive development, accelerates social transformation and is essential to develop human potential towards economic progress. Ours is the age of the knowledge economy. Only quality education for all children can help us achieve the long-term goal of economic and social equity […]