Digital Marketing

Goldfish Effect – The 8 Second Content Challenge

9 seconds

That’s the average attention span of a goldfish.

The attention span of a consumer today is less than that.

It turns out that a new version of 2015 from Microsoft Corp. The study revealed that our deterioration in attention span is now a record low of 8 seconds. This is one second less than the average goldfish. That’s how it is! A goldfish has an attention span of 9 seconds, 1 second longer than you and me.

In theory, this means that we actually have a better chance of interacting with a goldfish than we do with visitors from the human species.

Of all the movies about animal species trying to outdo humanity, none considered the goldfish. Goldfish is planning to take over the world, surpassing us with their superior attention span.

As a result, your company has 8 seconds to attract a customer.

It’s 8 seconds of full concentration and processing power before your brain moves on to the next task. Unless you’re in the business of making fish food, your audience isn’t made up of cute little goldfish.

Today, care has become a rare commodity for businesses, especially among Millennials. When people have such short attention spans, getting their attention is challenging. There are plenty of other fish in the sea, like a constant stream of ads and conversations in the form of emojis. It is very easy for your message to be washed out to sea.

Is “gold fish effect“It affects all business decisions that are made today and those that have yet to be made. So how can you engage consumers? Relax, marketing attention-grabbing ‘goldfish’ is relatively easy!

Time to go fishing! Here are three tips to bait your hook and attract an engaged audience:

  1. Tell a story – Nothing draws the viewer’s attention more than seeing something out of the ordinary. Make your story “hook” unique and people will pay attention to it. Create ads that induce emotion.
  2. be smart – When you write content for a website or a flyer, you want to grab people’s attention quickly. You want to spark their curiosity and keep them interested in those first few seconds. This is where you really let creativity bubble to the top and create something that will engage your audience and lead them to your call to action quickly. Which brings us to …
  3. Keep it brief – Very short. The less familiar the viewer is with your brand, the lower their attention span. Will your product or service help them? Talk to that. If you can’t quickly answer that simple question … they’re gone. (Tip: Animated GIFs can grab attention, without the viewer thinking it takes too long.)

It’s okay if some consumers slip off your hook and swim away. It’s natural. Not all consumers will be interested in what you are trying to say or offer. However, interested visitors will remain engaged and entertained until they decide to stay at your pond.

Now you can congratulate yourself on concentrating enough to finish this article.

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