Lifestyle Fashion

Treat Yeast Infection During Pregnancy: What Are the Safe Remedies?

Most women want to treat yeast infection when they are pregnant. During pregnancy, they undergo a series of hormonal changes that will make their vagina more conducive to the growth of Candida albicans and weaken their immune system. They usually experience a yeast infection at 39 weeks pregnant.

When they seek treatment, they don’t have many options when it comes to antifungal and antibiotic medications. Doctors are concerned that these drugs could be passed to the fetus, which is undesirable during pregnancy. So how to get rid of a yeast infection during pregnancy that would not affect the fetus?

Doctors typically prescribe standard medications based on the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for pregnant women with fungal infections. Only vaginal medications such as vaginal creams and suppositories are recommended. You can use azole medications that do not require a prescription, such as clotrimazole, miconazole, terconazole, and butoconazole. However, you should avoid the use of oral medications. Doctors do not recommend long-term treatment. This is to reduce the risk of exposure to the fetus.

However, many short treatments do not produce satisfactory results. Therefore, doctors usually recommend a seven-day treatment. Always complete the course or else you may face recurring yeast infection. Once cured, use a non-starch drying powder or nystatin powder to prevent a recurring infection.

You can try some natural remedies that can help keep your vagina dry. Never wear tight pantyhose or jeans. You should wear loose-fitting clothing to prevent moisture from being trapped near the perineum. In general, pregnant women sweat more than usual. It is advisable to bathe frequently and keep the vagina dry.

After moving or urinating, be sure to wipe from front to back. If you wipe from back to front, it can transfer some bacteria to the vaginal area. However, when you hit the third trimester, you may find it difficult to do so due to the large stomach.

When using medications to treat yeast infections during pregnancy, always check with your doctor first, even if you’ve used them before. You want to make sure that the medications do not pose any threat to the growth of the fetus.

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