Ford Mustang: a look back

The history of the Mustang If there is one car that can be said to be a classic American piece, it is the Ford Mustang. This vehicle has remained popular for decades. Born out of a need to compete with the model of a rival company and drive down sales, the Mustang’s success is due to the right combination of […]

Plagiarism and its copyrights

It’s a sobering fact: plagiarism is part of a writer’s life. I have been publishing articles on the Internet since 1999 and the “theft” of my content was common. There is a saying: “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.” I wish they had chosen to copy my red robe and UGG slippers. Last week they hit me again. This […]

Antibiotics: 5 Reasons to Avoid Them: Yeast Infection, MRSA, Resistance, Diarrhea, and Allergy

To have a cold? Do you take an antibiotic? Ear bread? Take an antibiotic. Acne? Take an antibiotic. That is what people think anyway. But is this really the best course of action? Does the short-term gain outweigh the long-term consequences? And for starters, are there any short-term gains? Antibiotics do not help colds caused by a virus. Most ear […]