How to decorate your home on a budget

Home makeovers don’t have to cost a fortune. There are ways to redecorate and rejuvenate your home without going into debt or breaking the bank. Read on for simple tips on how you can update your home for less. 1. Always have a plan. Before you even set foot inside a local Home Depot or department store, you should be […]

How electric cars work

An electric car, as its name implies, is a type of vehicle that is powered by batteries instead of liquid fuel such as diesel or gasoline. The concept is very old, but lately it has gained momentum due to factors such as the need for green cars, cheaper means of transportation and sheer innovation. By mere observation, an electric car […]

10 minute workouts!

Lack of time is the most common barrier to adapting to exercise. We are conditioned to think that we have to train for 45 or 60 minutes to get results. In reality, very few people have more than an hour to exercise. Those who do often stick to the same steady-state cardio workout and still don’t see results. Done right, […]

When a journalist’s ‘loan’ crosses the line

Even schoolchildren know that copying someone else’s work is wrong. But for professional journalists, what constitutes “copying” can apparently get a bit murky. News commentator Fareed Zakaria recently attracted some unwanted attention due to two incidents involving other writers. Zakaria was suspended by Time magazine, for which he is editor-at-large, and CNN, for which he is a commentator, after media […]

6 ways to save on your remodel

When it comes to renovation, all homeowners are afraid to spend beyond their budget. No matter how much calculation you do beforehand, you could end up spending at least 20% more than the total budget you allocated. The additional cost may occur due to many unpleasant surprises. If you’re looking for some ways to save on your home renovation project, […]

Atlantica Guild Points

Guild Points Increase Creating a guild has great advantages for Atlantica players. You’ll have a lot of people to search or work with to make Atlantica one of the most community friendly games I’ve ever played. With a guild you can create crafting jobs that, once completed, can be shared with all members of the guild. For example: brewing a […]