Building a strong brand marriage

If brands are about relationships, why not build a strong marriage between brands? I’m not suggesting you walk down the aisle with your customers. But perhaps the time has come to see brand relationships in a different way. We all know that the best brands make strong emotional connections with their customers. However, recent research suggests that the best brands […]

Drilling a file cabinet lock

Filing cabinets are typically used in office environments. They are used for the storage of important and/or confidential files and documents. In addition to files and documents, file cabinets are also commonly used to store office supplies such as bond paper, pens, pencils, envelopes, folders, tape, staplers, staple wires, fasteners, and many other things. As for personal use, filing cabinets […]

Important characteristics of an ideal wheel

There is a common question that often concerns car owners and would-be car owners alike. This question has often been how important is a wheel to a car? The other closely related question is which is more important, the wheel or the tire? Or which of the two should have more style. Well, the answers to these questions may or […]

How to create Instagram posts that increase sales

Instagram continues to host millions of photos every day and if you are a business owner looking to promote your products, you must add this photo sharing platform to your social media channels. With 300 million monthly active users and more than 75 million daily users, there is no doubt that Instagram is an effective marketing tool to attract potential […]

Ways to make a will and testament

Congratulations on beginning the process of learning how to complete your will. First of all, a last will and testament is a legal declaration by which a person can decide what happens to their money, property and possessions after their death. Here are some of the ways to do it: • A Wills Attorney – This is a legal specialist […]

12 rules of constructive feedback

As a leader, you want your team members to develop their skills and improve their performance. It is important to provide them with feedback. Although most people prefer to receive positive feedback, the truth is that we learn much more from negative feedback. It is a very difficult task to give negative (constructive) feedback. Some managers don’t like it because […]

The healthiest treats to feed your ferrets

When those beady eyes gaze longingly from that adorable furry face, it can be hard to resist the urge to indulge your ferret with whatever temptation the little trickster is trying to provoke in you. But keep in mind that, as with everything in life, moderation is the key; no more than 5% of your ferret’s overall diet should consist […]

Kick Ass Poker Secrets

As an avid online poker player, especially with Sit&Gos and multi-table tournaments like guaranteed tournaments, I think you’re about to discover secrets you never knew existed! Let me start by saying that I met a young man, young by my standards as I am over 60 years old, and he is barely 25. First let me tell you a bit […]