Discovering Men’s Tank Top

I don’t know anything about you, but I bet you’ve worn a tank top. They have also been labeled as tank tops available for both men and women; teenagers and children. They are made in the same way as a T-shirt, but instead of sleeves, straps an inch or two wide are attached and go over the shoulders. They are […]

How To Get Your Asian Ex Girlfriend Back

There are many “how to get your ex girlfriend back” guides on the internet, but if you find yourself in the aftermath of a relationship with an Asian girlfriend and want her back, the approach may be a little different. Hopefully this article will help save your relationship and maybe teach you a thing or two about interracial love, Asian […]

martial arts strength training

According to various sources on the Internet, a 1996 article in Iron Man magazine revealed Bruce Lee’s training. In addition to his cardio and karate exercises, Lee lifted weights three times a week and performed the following routine: cleans and presses 2 x 8 2×12 squats 2×8 barbell jumpers bench press 2×6 good morning 2×8 2×8 barbell curls Unfortunately, he […]

Cougar definition: are you a cougar?

What is the definition of cougar? Is there a definition of ‘real cougar’? What is the criteria for a cougar? On Wikipedia, the term “Cougar” is considered slang for the age disparity in sexual relationships. According to Wikipedia, a “cougar” is “a woman, age 35 or older, who pursues younger men, usually eight years her junior.” The Wikipedia reference comes […]

Follistatin therapy shows great muscle gains

The road to big, strong muscles is long and requires hard work in a gym. But the researchers may have found a shortcut where muscles grow on their own. In fact, scientists have succeeded, through gene therapy, in increasing lean body mass and strength in macaque monkeys. The experiment was quite simple, the researchers simply injected the follistatin gene (FS344) […]

Science of seduction – The three laws of attraction that every man should know

“Attraction is not a choice.” -David DeAngelo Interesting quote, but what does this mean for us? In shorts, women are conditioned being attracted to certain cues, traits, and physical characteristics. It’s not that they CHOOSE to be attracted to bad boys, athletes, or wealthy businessmen. Rather, they have been conditioned by evolution to be attracted to these types of men, […]

Biography of Author and Kabbalist Jesse Bogner

“I used my highly rational mind as a tool to illustrate how the world was no longer rational.” – Jesse Bogner Born on September 17, 1987, in New York, New Jersey, Jesse Bogner was one of three children that his mother, Dawn Neway, and father, Seth Bogner, had been blessed with. While his mother has always been an independent, compassionate […]