The blackening of America and other places!

It’s not about race; it’s about oil and unlearned lessons, neglected warnings, missed opportunities, and a black future. Have you noticed that the news is full of accusations, promises of investigations, formation of commissions, warnings of prosecutions and basic indications? What is the subject of all this attention? Obviously, it’s the ongoing Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. […]

5 explanations for the growth of the stock market!

Although some people experience stellar results, while others discover much less profitable experiences, the American stock market is an important component of the overall United States economy! What the specific indices mean, represent, and the reasons why they go up or down is often tricky. For more than the last 6 years (before the pandemic), we have witnessed unprecedented growth […]

How to be a successful esthetician

Paying your dues When you first leave school, you start at the bottom. To get to the top, you must pay your dues by gaining the experience necessary to land your dream job. The following tips come from estheticians who have experience making their way in the skincare field. Say hello to our panelists Rebecca Williams is a licensed esthetician […]

6 fascinating stories behind the names of six NFL teams

Have you ever seen pirates while spending time in Tampa Bay? Probably not. Regional pirate legends influenced the team that became the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. A special board reviewed 400 options for team names, before settling on “Buccaneers.” Every NFL has a story behind its name. While the origin of some names is self-explanatory, others are more legendary or obscure: […]

Top 5 myths about the music business

If you are involved in the entertainment business, you have probably heard a few tales. The following is a list of some of the top myths about the music business. 1. People in the music business will help you with the kindness of their hearts. Facts: The music business is called the music business for a reason. It is a […]

How to get started with homeschooling

You may be considering homeschooling for one reason or another. Children often face overcrowded classrooms and dangers such as drugs and violence in public schools. Many parents believe that they have the right to decide what their children should learn, and homeschooling allows them to have this control. However, homeschooling is an important decision that requires you to be well […]