Danbury Restaurants That Deliver

When you’re busy, the last thing on your mind is cooking, which is why it’s important to know about all the Danbury restaurants that deliver here in Colorado. Sometimes you might be busy, sick, or just not in the mood to cook, so you’ll want to make sure you have a good meal to eat. That’s why it’s important to […]

Laughing Matters – Exploring the connection between humor and health

In the 1960s, Norman Cousins ​​was diagnosed with a disabling and life-threatening collagen disease. In response, Cousins ​​underwent a regimen that included plenty of vitamin C and positive emotions, including the daily burst of laughter that resulted from watching TV shows like The Three Stooges. To the surprise of many doctors, she made a full recovery, published a book about […]

Atkins diet foods to eat

Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution book was first published in 1979. And since then, many people have turned to the Atkins diet because of the foods they can eat, and as a result, there has been a lot of hype. It is a good alternative to all the low fat diets that are so hard to follow. But what are […]

a cancer story

In early August 2016, my daughter-in-law Andrea told her mother and me that her doctor had told her she had stage three uterine cancer and stage three cervical cancer. This surprised both of us very much because Andrea was only thirty years old. Andrea also said that the doctor had also scheduled her for a Pap smear for the first […]

Bulimia nervosa in a nutshell

A person with bulimia nervosa exhibits a preoccupation with food and often secretly binge eats. A binge is an amount of food that is definitely larger than most people would eat during a similar period of time and under similar circumstances (eg, most people will overeat on vacation). Bingers also exhibit a lack of control over eating during the episode, […]