How to be owned by an Irish Wolfhound

“However, noble descendant of the fierce fighting father, you are playing tonight with my son by the fire.” (Excerpt from Hound of the Heroes by William Dammarell) One is not so much “owned” by an Irish Wolfhound, as being “owned by” an Irish Wolfhound. I am currently “owned” by two, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. They are […]

Dwarf hamsters fighting for power

Dwarf hamsters are known to be very sociable creatures, but that doesn’t mean you’ll never see them fighting. They definitely don’t fight as much as Syrian hamsters, but it can still pose a problem for owners of these hamsters. So why do they fight? Well, it all comes down to natural instincts and tendencies. Like most animals, hamsters have a […]

Zoning 101: Understanding Buncombe County Real Estate and Zoning in Asheville, North Carolina

Zoning can be a confusing topic regardless of where you own real estate, whether it’s a large city like Charlotte (NC), a small city like Asheville (NC), or a rural area like Buncombe County in Western Carolina. North. Zoning is a tool used to designate individual areas of land for specific purposes. When used correctly, zoning can help rapidly developing […]