What to consider before leaving your husband

I often hear from women who are considering leaving their husbands. I think these women are often looking for validation as to whether leaving their husbands would be the right or wrong decision. Often, I don’t know enough about the situation to feel comfortable helping someone make such serious and far-reaching decisions. However, I can and often do suggest some […]

Flora – Bacteria and Viruses

How many species of plants are there? Today, scientists know about 320,000 to 500,000 different species of plants, but they estimate that this number is much higher. Many of the well-known trees and flowers come from Asia, while other plant species thrive in tropical rain forests. Some plants have adapted to live in or under water, while others have adapted […]

How physical therapy can keep you young

Believe it or not, aging is reversible. We are not saying that you can escape all the effects of the passage of time, but you can slow down the aging process by keeping your body young. Physiotherapy helps people stay fit throughout their lives. stress relief A prolonged situation of stress causes our body’s reserves to gradually deplete, making us […]

Faithful workers in the house

Moses was a good servant. He did what God told him to do. Yes, sometimes he lost the plot a bit, but he served God with everything in him. He left his life as a shepherd the day he met God at the burning bush. He gave up all his dreams of having his own farm to go fulfill God’s […]

Does artichoke really help you lose weight?

There have been many fads in weight loss methods, from the Atkins diet to Fen-phen and everything in between. Some of them seem to live up to expectations and some don’t. A newer and more fashionable weight management aid is Artichoke supplements. This trend started in Mexico and is now becoming more and more popular in the United States. But […]

Competitive intelligence is an essential component for better decision making in law firms

Important decisions at a law firm should never be made in a vacuum. Instead, they must be seized with an abundance of the right information in hand. For many law firm decisions, “the right information” means competitive intelligence. Competitive intelligence is defined as a systematic and ethical program to collect, analyze, and manage information about the external business environment, information […]

Which is more important: vertical jump or wingspan?

The size of an athlete is a very important factor in determining their athletic potential. If you want proof, all you have to do is watch the NBA pre-draft camps. All the athletes who get a big ‘buzz’ at these events are usually those with ridiculously large wingspans. For some reason, scouts and general managers love athletes with long arms. […]