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Abraham Hicks vs. Eckhart Tolle

Is there a conflict between the Law of Attraction and being present in the now? If you have read books by Eckhart Tolle and Abraham Hicks, then you may be seeing conflicting information between the two teachings.

Mostly with the Law of Attraction style of teaching (Abraham-Hicks, “The Secret”, etc.), we are told to go into the past or future and visualize something as if we have already experienced it. (Of course, this is not the only way to deliberately use the Law of Attraction, but it is the most common method people talk about.)

Then there is Eckhart telling us to stay present in the NOW moment as much as possible without paying any attention (feeding) to the ego that loves to be in the past or future, but can’t stand to be in the present.

At first I felt a conflict and tried to justify it. Eventually I was able to see that both teachings are separate and beautiful in their own way. My personal opinion is that both styles of teaching have been born out of a massive need and desire of the mass consciousness.

People have flocked to Abraham-Hicks for many years to experience its wonderful workshops and cruises. Abraham tells us that the only reason they are here with us is because we have been asking many questions and the answer to these questions was born with Abraham.

It is our desire for mass consciousness that created Abraham. Abraham has shared with us the Emotional Orientation Scale that lists 22 of our most common emotions, at the top is Love and at the bottom is Fear.

When Esther Hicks channels Abraham, she is in a state of pure love and allows source energy to flow through her. This is what he calls stillness. Mindless presence… Inner stillness… The power of Now.

Once again, the teachings shared by Eckhart were born out of a mass conscious need and desire. Perhaps more and more people are discovering that realization does not come from manifestation, but from the journey of life itself, and therefore this teaching has come to light more?

I’m not entirely sure why this teaching is available to more and more people recently, but I agree with not knowing why.

It is worth noting that the teachings of Eckhart Tolle and the teachings of Abraham-Hicks have been around for centuries. The sacred documents and other spiritual teachers have been teaching the same principles that are commonly known today, for hundreds of years before.

There really is a great awakening taking place right now…we can see it by the massive increase in interest in spiritualism. And you are at the forefront: enjoy the ride!

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