
An Unusual Way to Get Rich: Build a Small Business Empire at the Flea Market with Wholesale Goods

FACT: Lots of people make $1,000 a day (that’s $104,000 a year) just selling at flea markets and swap meets on the weekends. (In fact, I’ve earned more than that some days.) Most people think that we’re just a bunch of poor people trying to earn an extra buck, and that’s exactly what we want them to think.

What do we know that you don’t? What are our secrets? You can do it?

Yes. Anyone can sell at flea markets and become rich… and I’m going to tell you exactly how here.

Becoming a flea market vendor is easy and affordable. Your expenses will be the cost of your merchandise and the rent of the space. Daily rent for outdoor space can be as low as $5-$10 per day. Many people start out by selling used items and go on to sell new items purchased from wholesale companies. New items outsell used items two to one and have a higher profit ratio.

Most people already have a table or two that they can take with them. In fact, I started my flea market and swap meet business with just $200 and a couple of card tables I borrowed. Now I earn thousands of dollars every month without fail. (Of course, the more money you have to buy merchandise, the faster your new business will grow.)

The key is to let your new business grow. Don’t kill him by taking away all the winnings! I suggest that you have a job or other source of income to cover your living expenses for at least the first six months after starting your new business.

There’s an old adage in this business: ‘The more you have, the more you’ll sell.’ Trust me, it’s true! Take that to heart and use all of your profit to buy more merchandise, so you’ll have even more to sell next weekend.

Who do you think most shoppers will go to, the guy sitting there with four items on a single card table or three spaces across the aisle loaded with literally millions of different items? If you think you have enough merchandise, you don’t.

If you use your profits to build your business and buy more merchandise each week, it won’t take more than a few months before your sales increase rapidly and you can start keeping some of the profits for yourself without killing them.

If you live in a northern climate that is cold in the winter or a southern climate that is hot and humid in the summer, you might consider renting space inside a flea market building. Yes, the rent for your space will go up a bit, but you’ll have the benefit of heat and air conditioning (comfortable shoppers spend more money), as well as a secure enclosure for your tables and wares during the week when the market is closed. .

Once your first small business is doing well, use the proceeds to open a second small business at the same flea market or swap market, selling a different type of merchandise. Expansion is as simple as renting another space and hiring someone to manage it for you. Again, your costs will only be merchandise and space rental and whatever your help pays for. (Be good to them and they’ll be very good to you.) Just like your first business, give your second business back the profits and let it grow.

Profits from two small businesses will allow you to open a third small business with ease. Do the same thing you did before and let your third business grow. Put the money back by buying more merchandise.

Then he opens a fourth, a fifth, a sixth small business in the same flea market. It is not only possible, but almost guaranteed that if he does, he will create his own small business empire in less than a year and have an annual income of over $100,000 after expenses.

If you just put the profits back into your first new business, it will grow without taking a dime out of pocket. The winnings will allow you to open a second, a third and so on. You don’t need a small business loan to get started.

Plus, you’re not limited to just one flea market or swap meet. There may be other markets within 20 or 30 miles of you where you can do the same and multiply your profits.

If you follow this simple but effective formula, it won’t be long before you can stop selling at flea markets and become a manager, overseeing your small business empire and stepping in to give your employees breaks.

Once you’re making a really good income, consider other ways to invest your money for even more profit, like opening your own wholesale house and selling merchandise to flea market vendors and earning even more.

Flea markets and swap meets are a great place for the average person to start their own small business and become rich by building a small business empire.

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