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Blink 182 the Small Things – 7 Tips for Writing a Song Like Blink 182

Blink 182’s The Small Things is marked as one of the band’s most popular songs, but all of their tunes tend to follow the same songwriting style. Blink 182 writes a similarly catchy intro, verse, chorus, verse, bridge, and ending chorus for each song.

“All The Small Things” is definitely a catchy song with some strong hooks, but anyone can create something this good. Check out these 7 tips for writing a really catchy song that will one day land you in the music industry along with Blink 182.

1. Keep it simple.

Some of the most memorable songs in history, “All The Small Things”, are easy songs. There may be a guitar solo here or there, but at the core, they’re easy to remember. Listeners want to be familiar with your song, so make it easy for them to get hooked.

2. Find the hook and use it.

The hook of your song is the meat and foundation. Work to find that catchy core before everything else. Blink 182 never starts a song unless it has a strong hook to start with.

3. Put individual tracks on individual beats.

A solid foundation for most of Blink 182’s songs is rhythmic chords with a memorable main riff played over the top. Don’t think too much about layering your songs. Too many layers can clutter your composition, while a single layer can be too thin.

4. Get two strong vocalists.

“All The Small Things” generates a lot of interest due to both vocalists, Mark Hoppus and Tom Delonge. If you can find another vocalist, use it! Creating more attractions for your listeners is the key to a great song.

5. Use overlapping singing melodies

Most of the time, Blink 182 would go into separate rooms and write their own melodies for a song, then come back and use them together! What a good idea! Write a couple of different melodies for your choruses and put them together to create a very clever sounding melody.

6. Play loud tunes everywhere.

Don’t compromise the integrity of your amazing song by putting a great melody in the chorus and then nothing in the verses. Look back at “All The Small Things” and notice how comparatively catchy the verses are for the choruses. Aim for strong hooks and melodies throughout your song.

7. Write letters about what you know.

Blink 182 writes lyrics about his girlfriends and having a good time because that’s his life. If you write about what you know, you will never run out of material.

Writing great songs isn’t easy, but it’s not impossible either. Remember to keep your mind focused and not give up. Put these 7 tips into practice and see where your songs take you.

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