
car wraps

A car wrap is a high-tech vinyl wrap that is attached directly to your car. The application is so precise that it is often mistaken for a custom paint job. Auto Wraps and Car Wraps are common terms used to describe the highly conformable films printed with digital graphics that are often used for fleet livery and vehicle advertisements. Before car wraps were developed, the method of choice for vehicle branding was paint or decal lettering; however, the negative effects of such methods include diminished value of the paint and fading or discoloration of the letters’ original paint job.

Automotive wraps can come in a variety of sizes and are applied directly over the original paint. The highly conformable vinyl film is carefully applied to the vehicle and once ready to remove, it will peel off revealing the intact original paint underneath.

Although sometimes used for personal automobiles, car wraps are more commonly designed and applied for commercial purposes; transforming a vehicle into a moving billboard. The most widely used roadside advertising is truck side advertising, fleet badges and company cars are other viable means of reaching thousands of customers on a daily basis.

The benefits of using a car as an advertising vehicle include generating brand awareness, minimal cost, and the ease of targeting your market. In addition to being seen on the roads, the vehicles with advertisements can be driven to places to market directly to your target audience or you can target specific events; trade shows, sporting events, concerts, college campuses, etc. Fleet livery can also be very beneficial in the same way, when companies are required to drive up to the customer’s premises, then other potential customers in the same vicinity will be aware of the brand.

In general, car wraps can provide any business with instant advertising to their target market for minimal costs.

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