Solar Harmonic Tuning Forks and the Five Elements

The five elements of nature are often mentioned in many healing traditions, such as Ayurveda, Feng Shui, Wicca, and Chinese medicine.[[Gandhi]]affirmed the belief in him natural cures by air, water, earth and light. Dr. John Beaulieu in his tuning fork research has discovered that the Solar Harmonic tuning fork set works with all five elements. Chinese medicine refers to the […]

How do I move on when my heart’s still stuck?

I sew the title’How do I move on?‘because I can’t tell you the countless times I’ve personally searched for that title, hoping to find the answer. What’EXPECTED‘Of us and how that’fit‘In our lives Do you know when your emotions and feelings are adamant to stay on the same path, never on a different route? It can be annoyingly frustrating to […]