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How to have sex with your wife? (Erotic Seduction Tips) – Be the one "sexual partner"

The sexual company is the most important thing in the relationship. If you want to have sex with his wife, you must be a sexual partner and learn erotic seduction tips. To be a sexual partner, you have to learn the hidden secrets of attraction. You can’t keep the thrill of sexual companionship just with sexual positions.


A woman loves to live with her sexual partner. She desperately wants attraction and excitement in her life. She loves to spend every second of her life with delight and harmony. Unfortunately, you can’t make every second of her life enjoyable with just orgasms or sex. To make every second of her life enjoyable, you have to become a sexual partner with your overall personality and the way you present yourself.

Do you think that sex makes you a sexual partner? You can never really be a sexual partner unless you build your personality. Here are some tips that will help you build an attractive personality.

• STRONG VALUES: A husband with strong values ​​is super attractive. It not only creates an irresistible attraction, but also makes his wife proud of him. According to the wives, a husband can never be a sexual partner unless he creates an irresistible attraction with his strong values. So if he’s up to no good and you want to build strong values, these tips below will help you tremendously.

Strong values ​​can only be created with actions. You need to project that you are an action taker rather than a talker. A woman/wife extremely loves a man who passionately takes action and achieves his goals. Between talker and doer, the latter always projects strong values.

Likewise, a man with strong values ​​uses the power of his authority and wets women with his sexual dominance. He uses commanding body language and completely possesses women. A man with authority intensifies sexual attraction with little things. For example, he uses the attached case in his daily life and earns people’s respect. He beats 99 percent of other men/husbands with the power of the box attached to him. The briefcase creates a high status for him and makes him the king of women. A woman also loves to give blowjobs to a king; she is always hesitant to give blowjobs to an average man.

You need to be the sexual partner to have sex with your wife. A sexual partner is always in charge and keeps his wife sexually satisfied.


If you want to have sex with your wife, you must first understand the difference between average seduction and erotic seduction. Average seduction depends on foreplay. On the other hand, erotic seduction makes a woman feel completely sexual. In erotic seduction, a woman loses control of her mind and roars like a sexual lioness during wild lovemaking sessions. Also, you stimulate each and every part of her body and dominate her with your masculinity.

Don’t get me wrong here; the foreplay is the seduction part. In erotic seduction, foreplay is just the tip of the iceberg. Here are some tips that will not only enrich your sex life but also make your woman love you for life.

• MASTER HER SENSES: To make your wife want sex with you, you need to master her senses. Vampires, superstars, movie directors and writers know the art of mastering women’s senses. That’s why; they make women drool over them. They know the true secrets of seduction and make women wet instantly. The reason you can’t get it wet is because you don’t focus on the little details. Small details are more powerful than body language and humor.

Nice-smelling colognes can significantly improve your sex life. According to surveys, the scent of a man can create sexual interest within a woman. Your scent triggers sexual arousal within a woman. You must have nice smelling colognes to attract your wife/woman. Also, in your personal life, your cologne can make people notice you. The power of your scent makes you memorable and makes women think of you for a long time. Women are big fans of nice-smelling colognes.

You can make your seduction highly erotic with the power of cologne. Most importantly, colonies increase your status. A wife/woman loves to have sex with a high-status man.

• USE SEXUAL AUTHORITY: If you want to have extremely erotic sex with your wife, then you have to use sexual authority with passion. A woman drools over a passionate and authoritarian man. A passionate man with authority and a strong posture builds anticipation in lovemaking sessions. Unfortunately, most husbands lose their sexual dominance in a long-term relationship. They do not have passionate sex with their wives and become average lovers.

If you want to improve sex with your wife, you must use dominant sexual movements. For example, hug her from behind and let her feel your cock stiff against her bottom. Fuck her deep, fast and hard. Catch her with your dominance and kiss her hard. Your passionate sexual movements and your erotic seduction will make your wife roar like a sexual lioness. A woman wants wild lovemaking sessions in her life. A man with wild masculinity always makes a woman worship him as a “SEX GOD”.

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