Summary of ‘Hope’s Edge’ by Frances Moore Lappe

In 2000, Frances Moore Lappe and her daughter Anna Lappe made a pilgrimage to five continents. They were looking for models of community development that did not depend on multinational corporations. They challenge the myth of global food shortages and the strategies of multinationals to dominate agribusiness. Agribusiness promotes the use of hybrid seeds, chemical fertilizers and herbicides in third […]

Club Penguin Multiplayer Games

Club Penguin has several multiplayer games for friends or rather penguins to play together in addition to the single player games. These games are: 1. Mancala: Mancala is a game played by penguins. It is a contest that takes place in the Room of Books. 2. Find four: This is one of the most interesting games on the site and […]

An approach to selling comics

Creators can sell comics as the usual 24-page book or as a graphic novel of 60-200 pages or more. When you want to sell comics as a 24-page book, the comic would have to come as a series of separate issues. In this way, it can be cheaper to produce. You can have a series with 5 numbers that come […]

Understanding the silent killer

General description Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a common chronic condition that is often associated with and causes other health problems, such as heart disease. Its onset can be insidious, and affected patients may not become aware of their condition until later in life. However, an asymptomatic person still has the same risks of developing more health problems, including heart […]

Yummy Yummy: Top 7 Business Lessons from Wiggles

At Macquarie University in the early 1990s, three Australian early childhood education students, Murray Cook, Greg Page and Anthony Field, decided they felt the need to dress in brightly colored red, yellow and blue (respectively) suits that looked like the uniforms from the original series “Star Trek”. It wasn’t long before Anthony Field’s bandmate from The Cockroaches, Jeff Fatt, was […]

Console review

There may never be a clear winner of the console battle. While it’s probably true, I’ll try to make things easier when deciding between the Xbox One, the PlayStation 4, and the PC. I would honestly recommend a different console to different people based on their individual wishes. Gaming PCs are on the rise as of late due to their […]

Xbox One Controller Preview

With the new systems come new drivers. We were first surprised by Nintendo’s introduction of the Wiimote. Stunned by Sony’s Eyetoy and played some really competitive matches in Kinect Sports. What the main players want is just their standard controller though. We don’t need motion controls to play; We demand that we have something in hand with thumb levers and […]

The millionaire plan to manifest money now

Reaching the goal of how to manifest wealth now is the miraculous power of living your life in complete freedom, away from the routine of the typical way many people sacrifice themselves by staying in careers or jobs that they just don’t like. This ‘self-loathing’, at best, we can say, is something that is not part of a millionaire plan. […]

The history of Pokémon: a look at Pokémon through the years

Pronounced pokemon poh-kay-mon It is the second largest Nintendo video game franchise in the world, replaced only by Nintendo’s own Super Mario. The franchise, which is now around 16 years old, will launch its sixth generation in the series later this year. The game, created by Japanese founder Satoshi Tajiri in 1996, was inspired by the popular pastime of collecting […]