Effectiveness of the Pareto Principle in Human Life

Vilfredo Pareto was an Italian engineer, sociologist, he was the father of the Pareto principle, now also known as the 80/20 rule. Pareto observed that 80% of income in Italy went to 20% of the population. Pareto later conducted surveys in other countries and, to his surprise, found that a similar distribution applied. In the late 1940s, quality guru Dr. […]

What exercise burns more abdominal fat at home?

Burning fat, especially stubborn fat areas like belly fat, thigh fat, and upper arm fat, can seem like an impossible task. People often focus too much on burning fat through exercise. It’s important to understand that you can’t focus on certain areas when it comes to fat loss. This is known as spot reduction and unfortunately it is a myth. […]

High protein recipes for weight loss

Do you want to lose more weight and build muscle? Then you are probably looking for healthy recipes rich in protein to help you lose weight. These types of recipes are popular with athletes because high-protein foods help with weight loss and muscle building. In this article, you can read all about high protein recipes so you know exactly why […]

Home Gym Vs Health Club – Which is your choice?

In doubt about joining a health club or buying a home gym? Both options come with their own advantages and disadvantages. A Health Club gives its members access to a wide selection of exercise equipment that makes it easy to get a full-body workout using the latest equipment. Also, you do your exercises without getting bored because you will be […]

Gelatin, an important ally to lose abdominal fat

Nutritionists talk about the benefits of gelatin for health and beauty. Tasty, refreshing and easy to prepare, gelatin has been treated for many years as a children’s food. But after several studies, experts assure that it provides health benefits to people of all ages, working, for example, as an important source of collagen, a protein that contributes to the strengthening […]

How alcohol makes you fat

If you took a look at the title of this article, you might have cringed. When it comes to fitness, nutrition, weight loss, and general health, many of us have problem areas. There are some people who have a glass of red wine with dinner every night. Others skip drinking altogether on weekdays, then start drinking a few on Thursday […]

3 easy ways to lower your cholesterol

Do you know that eating foods high in fat, such as saturated fat and trans fat, can increase your LDL (low-density lipoprotein) level? This is not a good thing because LDL can increase your risk of heart attack, stroke, and other types of heart and blood vessel disease. LDL is called the good cholesterol, and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) is considered […]