Foods that help relieve hemorrhoids

A diet rich in fiber obtained from raw fruits and vegetables is what you should follow to eliminate and prevent constipation and it is what you need to prevent and cure hemorrhoids. If you haven’t eaten much fiber, you should slowly add fiber to your diet, especially if you add it using bran. Increase your use of bran or other […]

foam lamination

Foam Roll – What is it? If you’re a member of a gym, chances are you’ve seen foam rollers in the functional area. They are the cylindrical tubes that range from smooth, spiky to rock hard. When foam rollers first hit gym floors, many weren’t sure how to use them or even what they were. Now, they’re a staple on […]

Gym Workout Routines and Effects

Before you start reading this document, I will warn you that it is technical and dry reading. But if you’re serious about your gym workouts, this document is worth reading as a starting point and you can find more reading in the references below. Most of you will understand the terminology in this document, but those of you will not. […]

Huli Huli Chicken

In the mood to try something different on your grill? Do you want something that is fun to cook, delicious to eat, and will impress you, your family, and your friends? Well then, we have something for you. Don’t look now, but straight from the islands is Huli Huli Chicken coming your way! “Huli” is the Hawaiian word for “spin.” […]