Preventing Pilates-Related Injuries

Yesterday I received a question from the Ask Experts site that I feel the need to share, as this comes up more and more with the advent of massive Pilates DVDs and unqualified instructors. Question: “Hello, I am a beginner in Pilates, when I try to do the V shape or half crunch, I get a VERY painful cramp just […]

running to lose weight

So you want to start running. Running is one of the most effective ways to burn calories and get fit. Running will build your core strength, increase your stamina, and give you more energy. Running regularly can change your life. To start running, you’ll need to know some of the key aspects of running training. You’ll need to get your […]

Vitamin C overdose

Using vitamin C products beyond the recommended limits can cause stomach upsets and diarrhea. Although the body would only use the vitamin that it needs, overdose of vitamin C can hinder the metabolic activities of the body. The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin C in nonsmoking adults is 75 mg per day for women and 90 mg per day […]

How to Perform a Great Pilates Side Plank Exercise

3 BENEFITS OF THE PILATES LATERAL PLANK EXERCISE: The Pilates Side Plank exercise is great for helping to improve balance to support the body, strengthen the shoulders, and improve lateral core control. Tuning up your mind and body during exercise is essential for better health. Paying attention to your technique to correctly execute the exercise is key to obtaining optimal […]

The best snowboarding exercises to do at home

Snowboarding is basically a form of exercise that requires mental stress and stability of the physical body at a high level. If you probably consider this sport to be one of the easiest sports in the world, then you should think about this fact again. It would definitely require a lot of training where you need to balance your body […]

Holy mackerel! It’s tuna!

Part of the mackerel family, tuna was virtually unknown to most Americans before the 20th century. There was no canned fish of any kind and tuna was considered undesirable (except for cats). In 1910, Americans ate only about seven pounds of fish a year, compared to 60 pounds of beef, 60 pounds of pork, and about 15 pounds of chicken. […]