Kitchen cabinet planning

Kitchen cabinets are essential for preparing our meals, as well as for storing our food and dishes. We spend a lot of time at home in the kitchen. Without kitchen cabinets, these everyday activities would be a tough business. When planning a new kitchen, it’s important to take your time and do your research. Be aware of traffic patterns in […]

IT-based innovation in the 21st century

Innovation is an act of introducing something new in the form of an idea, method, or device. Innovations are intended to do something better, with a substantial improvement over existing products, services, or processes. IT-based innovations are the incremental or radical development of information technology and its use for the betterment of society. IT-based innovations are also seen as a […]

Why are white oak kitchen cabinets so popular?

There are many variations of the white oak. Most white oaks are more of a light brown than white, and ancient white oak is an exception. Most very light brown oaks are considered white. Now why are these colors so popular with homeowners, interior designers, and kitchen designers? For one thing, it is a neutral color. Neutral colors are very […]

Decorate your kitchen with a retro 1940s theme

Today’s kitchen décor comes in all colors, sizes, and eras. A fun way to decorate your kitchen is with a little ’40s nostalgia. Painted cabinets, glass knobs and vintage bedding combined with new appliances that have a retro look can give you a unique and functional kitchen. You can get a great ’40s look without spending a bundle and still […]

Old style, new style: Richmond Stoves 900DFT and Stoves Sterling 900DFT Cooktop

Stoves knows what it does when it comes to electric range design. Point for point, the sterling 900DFT range range cooktops and the Richmond 900DFT range range range range are nearly identical. They share the programming functionality, have the same general internal capacity and the same number of boards. But they seem to come from two different worlds. Stoves almost […]

5 ideas to build a spectacular outdoor kitchen

An outdoor kitchen is the ultimate dream for many people who enjoy backyard entertaining. Imagine gathering your friends or family for a summer barbecue or a cozy winter cocktail in the comfort of your own garden. Here are some great tips for designing your spectacular outdoor kitchen. 1. Design ideas Pinterest is a great resource for finding design inspiration and […]

What Makes Oster Blenders So Special?

Worldwide, the kitchens of diverse households proudly display Oster Blenders as a symbol of convenience, quality and excellence. The brand that was launched almost a hundred years ago in 1924 has become popular with buyers around the world. Of the various kitchen appliances the company makes, the most popular are its range of countertop mixers. These blenders are well known […]