Ordering, storage, supply and incident notification of cosmetic drugs

This article provides an overview of the systems and processes aesthetic clinics must follow when dispensing prescription medications. A drug or prescription drug legally requires that a qualified doctor, dentist, nurse or pharmacist write a prescription for a given patient. Drug list and prescription qualifications may vary in different countries. A cosmetic clinic must ensure that all medications are ordered, […]

5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Criminal Defense Lawyer

People charged with a criminal offense have many options to choose from when it comes to defending themselves against the charges. The first thing you should do when facing a criminal charge is to find a competent and experienced criminal defense attorney. When choosing a criminal defense attorney, here are the things to keep in mind: First, you should research […]

Be careful what you say about your product’s features and benefits—don’t get caught by the feds

In 2009, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) revised its guidelines governing endorsements and testimonials for merchants. The timing of the review is noteworthy: the above guidelines date back to 1980, before anyone heard of the Internet, let alone Facebook. Your online marketing might have the best of intentions, but the feds might flag any overselling efforts. Why did the FTC […]

The danger of exotic species

What are exotic species? Alien species are species that are not native to the environment. They can be plants, fish or animals. The reason they are dangerous is that they can invade a native environment and take over because native species, be they plants, fish or mammals, do not have the means to defend themselves against introduced alien species. An […]

Are your loan officers employees or independent contractors?

Many lenders/mortgage brokers treat their loan officers (who are their salespeople) as independent contractors. Those loan officers are paid a commission based on the successful financing of a loan. Mortgage lenders/brokers pay loan officers either when each transaction closes or periodically. The amount paid to the loan officer does not contain a deduction for federal, state or local taxes. Often, […]

Becoming Jane – Movie Review

BOOK OPINION REVIEW: Let me say this up front (in case you didn’t know), Jane Austen is the greatest author of all time. I suppose some might dare to call that an opinion, but we Janeites of the world know much better. At this point, one or two of you might be thinking, “who the hell is Jane Austen?” or […]

AR500 steel versus mild steel

In steel applications where abrasion is an issue, AR500 steel plate can stand the test time and time again. This is because it is made from abrasion resistant steel properties and as a result offers excellent wear and impact resistance. Additionally, AR500 steel offers fatigue and corrosion resistance for applications where severe wear and exposure to the elements are issues. […]

How to Survive Your First Public Speaking Course

It is the class that college students fear the most; something that makes stomachs churn a bit when reviewing a course schedule. It’s Public Speaking 101 (or Speech 101, or whatever creative, less scary name the school has come up with). It probably wasn’t on the list of things you were excited to do this semester. However, it is now […]