The peculiar utility of reverse emotions!

Let’s start this piece of a quirky nature with a disclaimer of sorts that although it is written from a male perspective, it should never be interpreted as misogynistic, which is certainly not how you will understand it accordingly. This is written for the noblest of purposes: to try to ensure eternal marital bliss and bliss come what may. Therefore, […]

Roary the Race Car Kids Bedding

Is your little Roary the Racing Car fan ready to move from the crib to his own big boy bed? It’s a big step for a child and their parents when it’s time to make the transition from crib to bed, so we’ll show you that by decorating your child’s room with Roary the Racing Car, you can make the […]

The Ethics of Birthday Party Invitations

One might think that there is nothing more innocent and free-spirited than the act of extending invitations to a birthday party. Nothing could be further from the truth. Because within the planning of children’s birthday parties and the offering of invitations there is a minefield full of ethical obstacles and booby traps. Here are three tips to help you maneuver […]

Humorous Representation of Bad Values: A Review of the Adventures of Captain Underpants, by Dav Pilkey

George Beard and Harold Hutchins, the main characters in The Adventures of Captain Underpants, are pranksters of the highest order. In this installment of Dav Pilkey’s Captain Underpants series, George and Harold pull off an outrageous series of pranks at their elementary school football game. However, unbeknownst to them, their evil headmaster, Mr. Krupp, has recorded all of their antics […]

Wall blocking technique for youth soccer

The more years you train, the more you begin to recognize that certain things remain the same. For me, it’s an introductory system of blocking offensive lines, known as wall blocking. There are some “gurus” who insist that they are the founders (which is surprising since I was implementing it BEFORE they started training), but never mind, it’s a powerful, […]

Important tips for lawn care during the summer

Everyone wants to have a beautiful lawn that is the envy of the neighborhood, but many people don’t know how to achieve that beautiful, lush, healthy, green lawn during the hot summer months. Actually, it is not as difficult as many would think. If you follow these simple steps along with proper spring lawn care maintenance you can have a […]