Cool gadgets for smartphones

There are many cool gadgets available on the internet today. If you are looking for some awesome smartphone gadgets, here is a list of some awesome gadgets for your beloved phone that you should check out! 1. RING LIGHT FOR SELFIES The selfie ring is a piece of equipment that you place around your phone. It then projects a directed […]

LED shoe guide

Light up shoes are unique shoes that feature LED lights that change color and light up in different patterns. Unlike the shoes you wore as a kid, these shoes have a switch that you use to turn them on and off. The shoes are also rechargeable; therefore, you can use them for a long time. To charge them you just […]

Do you think you save on a sale?

Spending season is fast approaching. Black Friday, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Boxing Day, are just a few looming opportunities to challenge your resistance to spending funds you don’t have to buy things you don’t need. Sophisticated neuromarketing techniques, seductive advertising, enticing financing will make you buy things because… well, others were buying them too. Remember the pet rock phenomenon of the […]

make oxtail soup

Well, I seriously doubt that what is sold as ‘oxtail’ in the markets actually comes from an ox. I’m sure it comes from the same steers as all the other meats, but it sounds weird to say “steer tail” or even “beef tail.” It’s obviously one of those (pardon the expression) ‘little by little’ items and as such one might […]

The best Christmas gifts for 2010

The holidays are coming up and you don’t want to be left out in the cold. Choosing the best gift is not always easy! To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of the best Christmas gifts for 2010. electronic reading devices Also known as an eReader. These have become overwhelmingly popular in recent years and make great gifts for […]

Personal memories from the time of World War II

My earliest memory, as a 7-year-old from Milwaukee, with a world war looming, was listening to WGN radio broadcasts by commentators HV Kaltenborn and Gabriel Heater on Sunday afternoons with my parents, sister, aunt, uncle and cousin. These late spring and summer 1939 broadcasts included partial speeches at Adolph Hitler’s Berlin rallies. Vivid in my memory was the loud, raucous, […]