Preventive health care: why is it increasingly necessary for companies?

The annual business game plan lays out a simple framework that focuses on priorities, tracks progress, and manages every facet of the business. This proactive culture is the key to success. Our health also demands a similar game plan. Various investigations have shown that it is possible to prevent the appearance of diseases with preventive health measures. More than treating […]

What is ASP.NET? -Top 12 advantages of ASP.NET

What is ASP.NET? ASP.NET stands for Active Server Pages .NET and is developed by Microsoft. ASP.NET is used to build web pages and web technologies and is an integral part of Microsoft’s vision of the .NET framework. As a member of the .NET framework, ASP.NET is an invaluable tool for programmers and developers, enabling them to build rich, dynamic Web […]

Put some news in our news feeds

Picking up some breaking news remains a familiar practice even in the digital age, whether it’s grabbing a New York Times with your Starbucks or a USA Today while waiting to board a plane. For a company with deep pockets, CNN can become the next big news impulse buy. Rupert Murdoch has made a bold $75 billion offer for Time […]

How to sell christian songs

If you’ve written a faith-based song and want to make money from it, here’s how to sell Christian songs! The income stream from Christian songs includes radio airplay on Christian stations, CD sales through Christian bookstores; CD sales through secular stores like Walmart; CD sales at live events, direct downloads from your own ministry website; and sales through, iTunes, […]