Bluetooth vs penalty points

But using a mobile phone while behind the wheel is legal if it is the use of a hands-free or bluetooth device. But which one is better for both economy and ease of use. These depend on how much you will be using the car kit or bluetooth headset and obviously your taste. Car kits are a great way to […]

Alternative funding sources for Uganda: TBL Mirror Fund

Disclaimer I am not an agent or connected to this entity. The information provided below is independent and based on my research and experience. While I have taken steps to ensure the accuracy of the information presented here, I cannot guarantee that it will continue to be accurate. Basic information Target client of the fund: “Late start-up” companies or “early […]

How did Samson’s wife die?

Samson is the son of Elkanah. Elkanah’s wife met an angel. The angel told her that she would conceive and she would have a baby. He instructed him that the child must be consecrated to God as a Nazirite from his birth. This means that the child’s hair should not be cut. The angel instructed Manoah’s wife that she should […]

Some benefits of using child monitoring apps

Keeping your child safe from online threats is a real challenge for parents these days. Although social networking sites have become increasingly popular for increased communication and easy access to information, they do have some drawbacks. It is just the other side of the coin that represents the possible threats in the digital world. Studies show that more than 51% […]

Top 5 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Website

With thousands of websites currently available, attracting users to your company or business website can be very demanding. But for the productivity of your company it is necessary to have a high traffic to your website, so you just have to solve this problem. Below are basic proven tips on how you can improve traffic to your website. search engine […]