Health Fitness

Coffee, caffeine, free radicals, inflammation antioxidants and the health benefits of drinking coffee

It’s amazing how you can now include coffee drinking in your health and wellness conversation. For decades we have been told that coffee was not good for us. They told us about the harmful effects of caffeine on the body. However, just a couple of years ago, it was discovered that the caffeine in coffee contained antioxidants that help the body’s defenses against free radicals and inflammation.

It was reported in a recent CNN report that there could be great benefits to drinking coffee. The main ingredient in coffee, caffeine, has been linked to several health benefits. These benefits include “improved memory, improved liver health, improved athletic performance, and aids in the prevention of Parkinson’s disease.”

The report goes on to say that “it doesn’t matter if it’s regular or decaf.” The benefits are the same. “Coffee can help you live longer,” the report says. Four cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of premature death. It can also reduce the risks of diseases such as type II diabetes, colorectal cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and skin cancer.

The report cautions, however, that preparation is important. It is recommended that you use low-fat milk and avoid sugar.

Healthy adults can consume up to 400 mg of coffee per day. The report warns that moms-to-be and people with heart problems should give up their “Cup of Joe.”

Now if you are a coffee drinker or plan to be, make sure that the coffee you drink offers your body maximum health benefits. Since you’re looking for a boost, why not give your body’s defense system a jolt as you start your day?

Not all coffee is roasted in the same way. Below are some benefits to look for in the way the coffee you drink is prepared.

You will want to drink a coffee that fights free radicals and inflammation. You want a coffee that has natural antioxidants. “In the brewing process, the antioxidants released are as potent as vitamins C and E. One cup of coffee should contain the same amount of antioxidants as three oranges.”

The caffeine in your coffee should make you more alert and attentive. It should increase your energy levels as you start your day.

“The caffeine in your coffee should enhance your body’s ability to do more, particularly in endurance sports. Drinking coffee after a workout has also been shown to have a positive metabolic effect on the body. Smell alone has been shown to of coffee helps soothe the senses and brighten the morning.

By increasing energy levels, the caffeine in coffee can help boost the body’s metabolic rate. And most notably, your coffee must contain sufficient amounts of potassium and magnesium.

You want to drink coffee that is as fresh as possible and packaged within minutes of roasting, so you can enjoy your coffee at its freshest, most flavorful level.

Every cup of coffee you drink should have a positive effect on your health and well-being.

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