Lifestyle Fashion

Dangers of Tongue Piercing

Tongue piercing is a form of body piercing that is usually done directly through the midpoint of the tongue. Today, it is probably the most admired form of body piercing in the Western world, right after nostril and ear piercing. Nowadays, many teenagers and youngsters are very fond of tongue piercing and this fashion trend has grown tremendously, especially in recent years. But whatever the trend, people should think twice before getting their tongues pierced because it is most likely the most dangerous way to get a body piercing. Tongue piercing can cause various fatal diseases like Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Oral Cancer, Blood Poisoning and even HIV. In addition, it can also cause diseases such as nerve damage, gun damage, infections, chipped teeth, drooling, loss of taste, and loss of teeth.

Fatal Diseases: Fatal diseases that can be caused by tongue piercing are usually as follows:

• If the jewelry you wear on your tongue is not sterilized, you may be a victim of serious infections such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, or even HIV.

• In some extreme cases, it can cause blood poisoning that ultimately drags one to death.

• It can also become the cause of oral cancer, which can also lead to death.

• Neuromas (excessive growth of nerve tissue) can also occur from tongue piercings.

• Endocarditis can also be caused by a tongue piercing. In this disease, bacteria enter the bloodstream and severely damage the heart valves.

• Another dangerous disease is brain abscess which can occur due to tongue piercing though it occurs rarely but it is definitely another serious disease.

In addition to these fatal diseases, you may also face other serious problems like: the bar of your jewelry may loosen and fall in the wrong way, such as wrap on your lungs, no need to explain how dangerous it is. could be if it happens. However, as the mouth is full of bacteria and includes important blood vessels, a deadly infection can easily spread to the brain, which can also lead to the ultimate disaster i.e. death.

Common Problems: The following are the reports on the problems that can commonly occur after tongue piercing.

• The most common problems that people experience after getting their tongue pierced are generally related to the teeth. You may be a victim of damaged teeth: You may have a broken, fractured or cracked front tooth. Statistics show that nearly half of weight users, who use them for four years or more, experience at least one chipped tooth. It occurs because jewelry, which is worn as an ornament, continually hits or rubs the tongue while eating, talking, or even sleeping. These jewelry break down the enamel on your teeth, which also causes tooth sensitivity.

• In addition, people can suffer from gum disease: jewelry can come into contact with gum tissue, which can cause gum tissue injury or recession, ultimately leading to tooth loss or even gum disease. tooth loss.

• However, difficulties with regular oral activities, such as speaking or swallowing, can also occur; You may find it difficult to swallow or chew food, while some find it difficult to speak clearly. The reason behind these problems is excess saliva production due to jewelry. Permanent or temporary drooling, changes in taste can also occur due to excessive saliva production.

• In susceptible people an allergic reaction to the metal of the jewelry may occur. It is a type of hypersensitivity reaction called allergic contact dermatitis.

• Bad breath is another problem that can occur due to tongue piercing. Bacteria can grow and spread in the mouth due to jewelry and you may experience bad breath as a result.

These are the common diseases that an individual commonly experiences due to tongue piercing. So, you need to be more sincere while making your decision to get your tongue pierced or not.

The purpose of this article is not to scare you, rather it is written to make you alert so that you can be more careful during tongue piercing. It is not certain that you should be a victim of any disease if you pierce your tongue, you can avoid any type of disease, serious or common, being careful with the whole process. You need to take several necessary steps both before and after the piercing process to prevent any disease that may occur due to it.

• First of all, after you make the decision that you want to get your tongue pierced anyway, you should find the best piercing shop in your city that has a reputation for good service, don’t worry about their charges because money is nothing . the question of his physical state.

• Make sure the sterilization process is safe – make sure the performer is skilled and is using new tools and obviously the top items that are available in the market. .

Before the piercing is done, the artist is the person responsible for everything; he can be careful with the problem, but it is the artist who does the main work. On the contrary, after the hole has been made, the ball is in his court, so he must be very careful to care for it properly. You have to learn correctly about how you can prevent any danger that may arise from drilling and you have to take those steps correctly. You should ask the artist or any doctor or dentist about aftercare.

Some common practices to follow after piercing are as follows:

• In the first days, before the tongue is completely healed, take only liquid food, this period is only ten days. Also, do not touch your tongue with your fingers in this period because your fingers may contain bacteria.

• Rinse with a good mouthwash several times a day and brush your teeth along with the stump of your tongue to remove plaque.

• Always remove your heel while sleeping or eating to avoid damaging gum tissue and tooth enamel.

• Never wear low quality jewelry. Only use those that are safe and sterilized like stainless steel or gold.

• Last but not least, visit your dentist regularly to make sure your teeth and tongue stay pink.

In the end, I want to stop my pen by telling you that as tongue piercing is a very sensitive subject due to various dangers, learn the ins and outs about it and then take your time to make a final decision.

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