
Discover 7 surefire ways to stop your dog from begging

Does your dog whine when you sit down to dinner? Does he give you the big, bright, sad eyes and the act of the pleading paw in hopes that you will give him the last bite of your plate? I say don’t be fooled by the old act of dog begging. Dogs enjoy attention, good or bad; it motivates them to do the things they do. If your action creates a reaction, you can certainly expect more, good or bad. Be strong and ignore it.

If you choose to give in to your dog’s begging antics, remember that dinner time or any mealtime will never be the same for you, your family, or guests. Your dog’s hungry performance will soon turn into more interesting acts as you add to the mix of longingly staring, drooling, barking, balancing on your dog’s paws, jumping and scampering around the room when they happen to fall. small pieces to the ground. .

Problems with feeding your dog at the table

Feeding your dog table scraps encourages his bad behavior – begging. It puts him at risk of being overweight, because in addition to his regular daily dog ​​food (s), he will eat the leftovers you provide him and any other morsels he may “suck” from others in table.

Also, food scraps can be dangerous for some dogs; many experience diarrhea, vomiting, or develop a severe case of “knockdown” gas. A dog’s digestive system is very sensitive and eating too much human food, which can be high in fat, sugar or sodium, could easily make it sick or cause instant death.

Certain ingredients or foods that are completely toxic to dogs include tomatoes, onion and garlic, grapes and raisins, chocolate, and macadamia nuts. Other foods that are unhealthy for a dog include raw meats, raw bones, cooked bones, cookies, cakes, ice cream, fried and fatty foods.

Can’t you just have a little …

What? No steaks for Sunday dinner? Not sharing our Thanksgiving or Christmas turkey? You don’t have to be very strict at the table; your dog may enjoy some human food. If you insist on feeding your dog some delicious treats, place them on his plate or food bowl, preferably after mealtime or while cleaning; do not hand feed your dog. Or, save the leftovers for the next day and add them to your plate instead of part of your regular serving.

Avoid throwing your fettuccine alfredo or your kid’s macaroni and cheese pasta dish in your dog’s bowl. Select healthy, low-fat leftovers to feed your dog. Ideal leftover foods include: lean meats, rice, cooked vegetables, small pieces of fruit, low-fat cottage cheese, grilled skinless chicken, etc. Remember, occasional treats for your dog are fine, but large portions of food scraps on a daily basis are not; be prudent and moderate in your offerings.

How to stop your dog from begging

1. Instruct each family member and ask visitors not to feed “Buster” at the table. Try to enforce the rule as best you can.

2. Ignore your dog’s begging act. This can be difficult to do at first, but after ignoring a couple of mealtime sessions, your dog will pick up on it and eventually stop begging.

If you’ve been feeding your dog from the table for a while, it might take longer for him to stop his annoying begging behavior, just be patient. If he was quiet during the meal and showed no signs of begging, praise him warmly and offer him a doggie treat.

3. If, however, you continue to plead, change your tactic. This might be a good time to put your dog in his crate or backyard or in a designated room where he can relax while he eats. Make it a fun and enjoyable experience, without ever punishing.

4. If your dog is trained to understand the command to stay down and stay, use the commands when he misbehaves at the table.

5. If desired, before sitting down to eat, send your dog to his designated “food holding place”. Provide some entertainment while you wait. Try giving him a bone to chew on or fill a rubber tube toy with his favorite treats.

6. Try to feed your dog before sitting down to eat. Hopefully, with a full belly, you won’t be inclined to beg.

7. Try to exhaust your dog with fun playtime or exercise before mealtime. Hopefully I’d rather take a nap while everyone eats.

Please continue to enforce the “no feed the dog at the table” policy, along with the dog training tips and ideas listed above. In no time, you’ll have a well-mannered dog that you’ll be proud of and everyone will love having him around, even at mealtime.

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