Digital Marketing

Get into challenges to boost your online presence

I just participated in a couple of online challenges that will take my business to the next level. How? Let me explain.

Running a home business takes time and effort, and of course the secret to most business success is the number of people you connect with on a daily basis. Talking and building rapport is easy to do, whether face-to-face or over the phone. But, online is something else. I know, it’s not easy and not many are able to ‘crack the code’. There are different ways to generate leads and participating in challenges can increase that for you.

Here’s the thing, showing off your online presence will take time. It’s time to develop your social networks, your connections, your contacts, your experience and people’s trust in the fact that you are a genuine person and not a ‘fake’ or ‘scammer’.

Several ways to do this are first and foremost linking up with people who know you, personal contacts. Connect with friends on Facebook, Twitter, or other social networks like LinkedIn.

Once you’ve built your personal connections and are begging to show off some ‘real life’ interactions from YOU, the next stage is to build your professional online presence.

Many marketing gurus and leaders advise you to find two or three social media platforms to familiarize yourself with the broker or expert level.

Writing articles or copywriting is an art that most marketers need to consider first. Let’s face it, you need good copywriting skills to send autoresponders, write blog posts, and write articles. The key for any successful online business to attract new prospects is through ‘your words’. Now I know the saying ‘A picture is worth a thousand words!’ but here is my take on it:

One word can paint a thousand pictures…

As a child I had a very active imagination and that is still true for me today. Using the right words can inspire others to action and much more.

Participating in challenges will help project your ‘brand’ and your business, as it will keep you in the spotlight. Getting the word out that you’ve entered a challenge also increases your respect rating for others in the same community as you, and again raises your profile. It’s also something you can promote on your website or blog that you’ve entered a challenge, you can also ask for support and have people you know raise your profile by sharing with others the fact that someone they know has entered a challenge and requires support. .

Lending yourself to challenges will also get your articles in front of new audiences and increase your internet presence. I’m sure you know that lead generation for any business or website is key, so getting noticed will help generate interest and leads in your business. Challenges also force you to focus and become better at what you do, in a way, even if you enter a challenge and for whatever reason don’t finish completing it, just the fact that you put in the effort at the beginning will help. in subsequent challenges when they arise.

The more challenges you enter, the more new people will see your words, and remember my quote above!

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