
Great Tips for Potty Training Your Puppy

One of the biggest challenges after having a puppy is potty training. Unfortunately, most dog owners don’t spend the time learning how to properly potty train their puppies. If you take the time to research proper training techniques, this can be a fun learning process for you and your pup. In this article, I will share some of the most effective potty training tips and techniques that I have personally used with my own dogs.

You should start potty training your puppy as soon as he comes home with you. It is important to establish a housebreaking routine as soon as possible. You need to discuss your housebreaking routine with your family before your pup arrives so everyone is on board.

I recommend that you crate train your puppy as soon as possible as it is a wonderful potty training aid. Most puppies don’t like to get their bedrooms dirty, so when they’re in the crate it’s unlikely they’ll poop or urinate in it. It is important to note that puppies need to go to the bathroom several times a day and cannot be in their crate for long periods of time. If you work long hours, you need to make arrangements with a family member, friend, or neighbor to let the puppy out.

Puppies can only learn where to go to the bathroom if they are trained on the spot. There is no use getting mad at your dog after he has pooped or peed in your house. Even if your pup soiled your carpet 2 minutes ago, you can’t reprimand him if you don’t catch him in the act. When you catch your pup in the act, all you have to do is say ahh and physically pick him up and take him outside. Once your pup is done outside, it’s very important to praise him and give him a treat for completing his chores outside.

A very important piece of advice when raising your puppy is to never let him wander around your house alone. What you want to do is always have them in the same room as you so you can monitor what he does and catch him in the act. Otherwise, your pup will learn to go do his homework in a separate room away from you. I recommend that you close the doors inside your house and use baby gates to limit your pup’s access.

Puppies will always want to go potty after waking up and playing. So after these activities, it is important that you take your puppy outside, otherwise you will do his homework for him at home. You can also tell when a puppy needs to go potty, as he will begin to sniff the ground briefly before urinating or pooping.

Don’t be discouraged! It takes time and consistency for your dog to really understand what you want. Remember to keep rewarding and encouraging him each time he completes his duties outside. Never get mad at your pup as that will only make him afraid of you, instead just be clear with the information you give him.

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