Digital Marketing

How do I get to the top of Google search results so my site can get a ton of traffic?

Did you know that nearly 90% of people searching the internet click on the first search result that appears? Did you also know that the first search result gets 10 times more clicks than the second and the second gets 10 times more clicks than the third? Due to these statistics, if your site is even on the second page, you will have much fewer visits. Read on to find out how you can get to the top of search results.

The method is called search engine optimization (SEO) and it is the process of modifying your web page and external links to help boost your page in the search engines. There are different techniques. Some are “white hat” or legal techniques that search engines accept, while others are “black hat” and may work for a while, but will eventually ban you.

Search engines love fresh, relevant content for a very specific topic, so it’s important that you optimize your pages for a single search term or keyword. There are many sites available that will show you keyword popularity and you can use them to find niche words where there is not a lot of SEO competition.

Best of all, SEO is free for the most part. If you rank high you get the most traffic, it’s that simple. Instead of having to use pay-per-click advertising, banner ads, or anything else where you have to shell out money for clicks, SEO won’t cost you a dime. It just takes work, constant tweaking and content additions. Outdated pages lose their ranking because the engines want to provide their customers with the latest information possible. The engines also prefer that you educate with your pages instead of selling. Sales pages generally rank lower, especially since search engines are using real humans to scan every page now and weed out the ones that are blatantly trying to scam the system.

If you want traffic, SEO is the best route to take. The competition is fierce, but with the right education and a little effort, you can move your page to the number one status (or close to it) in a few months.

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