
How to Build Rock Hard Muscles: Get 6 Abs in 16 Weeks or Less

Building rock hard muscles and losing weight is not as easy as it seems. If you’re skinny, it’s easier for you to get ripped abs because there’s no fat to lose. However, if you are overweight, it is very difficult to lose weight and gain muscle at the same time. The main reason is that process 2 can confuse your body and actually make it harder than it sounds.

If you want to build rock-hard muscles, you need to eat more protein and do heavy, intense exercises. Since your muscles need more pressure and intensity to grow, you should lift heavy weights and try to only do 3-4 reps each set. After that, you need to eat plenty of protein to help your muscles recover and grow. The same principles apply to training your abdominal area if you want the six pack to become more visible.

On the other hand, if you’re overweight and trying to lose weight, you need to do a lot of cardio and use less heavy weight with higher reps. Most of those fat-burning workouts involve running, jogging, and other weight-bearing exercises that are repeated 20 to 30 times each set. This way, you can get rid of the fat around your stomach so that 6-pack abs become more visible. Diets for this are also very different than building rock-hard muscles, of course, because you’re trying to lose weight by eating less and less in portions.

It’s a bit confusing to lose weight and build rock hard abs and muscles at the same time. However, the good news is that it is not impossible. I have seen my brother go from 220lbs to 186lbs with a 6 pack crunches in just 16 weeks. He followed this particular 6 pack abs program created by Arnel Ricafranca. I have to say that this weight loss system is one of the best abs programs on the market today.

While most weight loss programs and teams have hot models to attract customers, the 6 Pack Abs in 16 Weeks program shows you real proof that it works. In fact, you can watch Arnel Ricafranca’s total body transformation from fat to 6 pack abs in less than 16 weeks. I feel more motivated to exercise and change my body because I can truly believe that your program really works and not just some fake models being put on display.

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