Digital Marketing

How to Earn Money Online Without Investing – Earn Money With Clickbank

Usually, people think that to make money online you need to invest a lot of money at the beginning. Thanks to the advantages that the Internet and its technology offer us today, you can start an online business with practically 0 investment.

Follow these steps to earn money with ClickBank:

  • create a blog

Blogging is currently the easiest way to create a professional-looking website in minutes without advanced HTML or web programming skills, and best of all, for free!

I recommend the following services:

– Blogging

It is so simple and I would say easier than creating a blogger email account for example, you just need to have a gmail account and access blogger services with the same username and password for your email.

Don’t expect immediate results. It is important to start with enthusiasm, prepare all the bases of what your business will be, spend time creating your blog, and add relevant content.

It is important that the content of your blog refers to something that you are really passionate about or that you enjoy doing, why?

On the one hand, if you have a blog and write about something you don’t like to do, in less than a blink of an eye you get bored and stop writing, but on the other hand, if you write about something you love and promote products that you you like, it will be much easier to work with your blog, it will be fun for you and above all, very beneficial!

  • Open a free affiliate account at

The next step is to sign up for and do your research on the right product to promote, a product that will go along with your blog content. For example, if your blog talks about affiliate marketing, it would be great to choose a product on ClickBank that deals with affiliate strategies, affiliate techniques, or affiliate training.

Do you get the point?

At ClickBank there are hundreds or even thousands of products that you can promote, sorted by category and relevance. It’s a matter of getting used to using ClickBank.

Get ClickBank from this address and take a look:

Marketplace is where you can find a product to promote, through a keyword. You can enter, for example, the keyword phrase “Affiliate Marketing” to see if there are any products that address this issue. Trust me, there sure are.

  • Make a review of the product you promote, place banners on your blog.

Once you’ve chosen a ClickBank product, it’s time to go to your blog and do the following:

– Make a review of the product you are promoting, for example. Write a post about your product, describe its features, pros and cons, tell people how good the product is, how it can solve or meet the needs of visitors or readers, and at the bottom of the post put your affiliate link with a call to action. .

After the input, you could set, for example, the following paragraph:

To learn more about affiliate marketing training, I invite you to visit the following link: ((YOUR AFFILIATE LINK))

Therefore, if the person clicks on your affiliate link, you will receive a commission if they buy the product.

– Place banners on your blog. If the product you are promoting has a members area, you should have access to a number of tools including promotional banners that you can place on your blog and increase your affiliate income.

To be successful with this simple but profitable business model, you need to invest time, let’s face it, you almost certainly don’t need a penny to get started, but the process of promoting your blog, making posts, finding the right products to promote, could take a long time.

But what do you have to lose? The investment of money is practically nil, your only investment is your time.

I hope this model can help you as it has helped many before.

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