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How will disability benefit cuts affect you?

The UK government is refusing to answer whether it will go ahead with its £ 30 weekly cuts to key disability benefits after its defeat in the House of Lords in January, raising hopes for a change in policy.

It is an uncertain time for anyone claiming disability benefits in the UK and the US.

In the US, they face similar problems. Congress has rescued the Social Security Disability Insurance program using funds from the Social Security Retirement program. Rob Peter to pay Paul?

The first question that comes to mind when people get sick is “how am I going to make a living?” Disability insurance in the US is a priority, especially if you can’t work even for a short period of time.

According to a 2012 survey by the United States Consumer Federation and UNUM, 50% of workers surveyed knew little or nothing about disability insurance. This makes for scary reading, as most would consider insurance coverage Vital. If it is offered as part of an employee benefit plan at work, be sure to sign up or consider purchasing it at the workplace.

According to the Council for Disability Awareness, an insurance industry-funded trade group, back injuries, cancer, heart attacks, diabetes, and other illnesses lead to the majority of disability claims, but only 55% of Americans have enough savings to cover them during the first month of illness.

Back in the UK we all feel like we are on tender hooks not knowing where the ax will fall. It is the uncertainty that adds stress to an already troubling outlook for people receiving short- and long-term disability benefits.

A worrying issue is people affected by cancer, there are more than 2,300 people currently in the group whose rate of new applicants would decrease.

Research commissioned by charities also warned that a reduction in Benefits makes it harder and more unlikely for people to return to the workforce.

Today, the Prime Minister offers little assurance on the key concerns of activity groups such as WRAG (work-related activities group). The effects will be detrimental not only to employment but also to people’s health.

New applicants will receive a third less money than current beneficiaries, 28% say they will not be able to afford to eat with the amount they have to live on.

I see first hand the effects of the cuts after having worked for over 18 months with the Citizens Advise Bureau here in the UK, the cuts are harsh and brutal and force many people to choose between Heat or eat.

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