Legal Law

If your intention is clear

One of the strongest motivations in the Universe is intention. It is a force to be reckoned with. It is part of our rights as spiritual beings. If we want to create a situation, a goal, an outcome, or a manifestation, we must create an intention. Our intention must also be done with a clear mind and a clear heart.

The dictionary defines intention as the purpose or attitude toward the effect of one’s actions or conduct. You need to have a purpose for wanting something and you need to have a clear and confident attitude as to why you want it. What will the fulfilled intention serve? Do you want a better job so you can put your daughter through medical school? Or do you want a better job because you don’t get along with the people who work at your current job? Your intention to improve yourself in some way tends to solidify your chances of your intention manifesting rather than using an intention to escape.

When you set an intention you must be very clear. If while setting your intention, you’re thinking about what an idiot this Matrick guy is, you could slip someone like him into the energy of your intention and create another situation in a new job.

You also need to be very positive when setting an intention. If you complain about the workload, the salary, the copier, the staff room, and all the other things you don’t like, and at the same time want a new job, you’re confusing energy and setting the stage for disaster. Always set your intention for something better than what you have.

You must also know exactly what you want. My intention is to have a job in the city center, in an accounting office with less than 20 employees. I want to work with positive cooperative people and I want to earn X dollars per hour. I want a job where I can grow and move up to higher and higher management levels. My new job must be on a good bus route.

By setting clear intentions for yourself, you are letting the Universe know in very strong terms where you are headed and how it can support you. There is no room for mistakes or misunderstandings when you clearly ask for what you want, not what you don’t want. After all, life is supposed to get better and better.

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