Legal Law

Mental development of young minds

A young child is like a sponge and the brain is ready to absorb and be challenged. This is something that many now realize when presenting lessons to babies. Flash cards are great for teaching the alphabet and item recognition and other things. Early learning books teach them to read and write at extraordinary ages. It is also the time when religious organizations brainwash them into doing things that are wrong and from which the child can never escape.

This organic sponge that we call the brain takes everything that is presented to it and opens channels in which knowledge rests until it is required. My reincarnation gave me the memory of my previous life and opened channels through the knowledge that it brought with me on my journey.

I was born with a different language than my parents, they could not influence or cancel it and the source of my contact is the Great Spirit of the Universe, the only real God (Isaiah 45: 4-8). This is why the things observed since my birth have built an image of the deception and fraud of the religious bodies that are now destroying the world.

For the young child, the memory of reincarnation may be present and may even talk about it. That, however, is quickly frowned upon by those who have been brainwashed into the idea of ​​heaven and hell. Those places don’t exist, but they are what the establishment depends on for power and control.

Children regulated and conditioned by religious institutions are more easily controlled than those who are not. They are taught to obey the government and to obey the authorities over them and that is why they now disagree with each other and why terrorism is gaining so much traction.

Kings, governments and other forces depend on religions, therefore, to regulate and control the masses and that is the very reason for their existence. Only those who have a strong bond with Spirit know to stay away from them and that children raised with the mind to think for themselves are much stronger mentally than others. Training the brain is unnecessary when the Spirit moves within them to show the way ahead, as happened in my case.

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