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Mobile Agent Secrets: SMS Marketing Strategies Enable Proactive Contact

When you as a business owner send bulk text messages, your subscribers get an instant notification of your ad promotion. That’s great, but keep in mind that there are some pitfalls to watch out for when sending these text messages. With SMS (text) advertising reaching a point of critical mass, I thought it appropriate to raise awareness of some common mistakes I see business owners make when trying to implement their SMS marketing campaigns…

First of all, with text message marketing, you only have 160 characters to get your message across. That’s a bit better than Twitter, but not by much, so it’s best to be very clear and concise when delivering campaign creative. (By the way, SMS stands for “Short Message Service” in case you didn’t know.) Still, when you’re involved in developing these campaigns, you need to ask yourself, “What am I trying to get to the person?” the other end of the text to do and what is the best way to communicate that message?”

Yes, there is an excellent chance that your SMS will be opened immediately (95-97% open rates according to various marketing statistics), but also understand that some people may not be willing to subscribe to a subscription list. text messages unless they have a damn good reason. An aspiring SMS marketer or business owner should keep this in mind and develop a compelling call to action that delivers results.

Currently, SMS Marketing or group text messages, so to speak, is in the initial stages of critical mass, that is, it is becoming quite popular among local businesses; even celebrities like local sports personalities. However, as SMS gains more market traction, text message advertising will have less of a “wow factor” with the general public. This will present an even bigger challenge in gaining subscribers in the future. But fear not, as long as your offer is truly a “knockout” and you can make it completely unique and valuable, you’ll be in a position of strength.

I would advise keeping these basic ideas in mind when creating your next SMS campaign. This way, you can and will be better positioned to attract and retain loyal subscribers, not to mention growing your business or fan base. Remember that incorporating these strategies can also give you a definite proactive advantage over your competition, and in the final analysis, having any kind of competitive advantage in the marketplace will translate into higher revenue for your business.

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