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Otoplasty: How Can a Bandage Help You Heal?

If you are not satisfied with the size, shape, or position of your ears, you should consider otoplasty to improve the appearance. As with any type of surgery, the area is likely to be tender and may not heal completely immediately afterward. Therefore, it must be protected and bandages around the head can perform this much-needed function.

You can expect to go home after otoplasty with a large bandage wrapped around your head. This should be fully padded, which can protect the area from accidental bumps or shoves. Such trauma would not only hurt immensely, but could also ruin the new shape or location of the ears, prompting revision surgery. So be sure to keep the bandage on for as long as your doctor tells you to.

An added benefit of taping after otoplasty is that it can provide a secure environment for the ears.

This means you can prevent excess swelling, bruising, or general discomfort that could result after the treated area is exposed to the elements. In fact, other people who don’t realize they just had surgery aren’t the only dangers to their ears. Without the bandage, you might momentarily forget that you recently had surgery and cause pain by scratching your ears or even trying to sleep on your side. Any of these potentially painful problems can be prevented with a simple bandage.

You should listen to your surgeon to find out how long you should keep the dressing on after otoplasty. Some surgeons used to recommend that patients wear it for up to ten days, but many people find that they get quite itchy or just go away before then. Many doctors now find that patients do not need to use it for more than the first day after surgery, while others recommend at least a few days of use.

If you have specific problems with wearing the bandage for more than one day, talk to your surgeon. If there is excessive itching or strange smell, you’d better remove it after the first day.

However, if you do not experience any of these problems and are afraid that you or others will forget about the recent otoplasty and damage the area, you can certainly use it for more than a day. It’s usually a decision made between you and your doctor, so the answer may be different for everyone.

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