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Pink Noise: A Post-Human History of Plasma Cosmology

Pink Noise: A Posthuman Tale takes place in a Plasma Universe is a futuristic tale of intelligent beings without consciousness or self-awareness. Could this be possible? The author, Leonid Korogodski, makes you think that it could really happen, that our human consciousness could possibly be a direct result of evolution.

In case you’ve never heard of plasma cosmology, Korogodski describes it as being in direct contrast to the “established” approach to cosmology. In Pink Noise, Korogodski attacks the concept of “dark matter” as absurd and cleverly explains the theory of Plasma Cosmology. Within the story lies the understanding of what Plasma Cosmology really is.

Pink Noise is a novel that tells the story of several generations of cosmologists and astrophysicists whose careers are in jeopardy due to extremely expensive projects in which they are heavily involved. The money to fund these projects was taken directly from taxpayers and if discovered, the scientists will suffer the end of their careers.

Pink Noise readers are drawn to the story of Nathi, one of the most prominent and respected neurological doctors of the day. Nathi is a posthuman who lost her brain five centuries ago.

Nathi is asked to save a comatose girl, and when she discovers that her brain damage is incredible, she “maps” her own mind directly onto her brain so that he can restore the damaged area. In doing so, she discovers that she has a Wish Fairy, a cybernetic being whose function is to kill the Wish, a virus that designated Cyber ​​Wizard commands exert on humans.

Nathi’s plotting and planning to find a way out of her and the girl’s predicament will have readers on the edge of their seats, and the war that rages in the dark of the Martian polar night is a battle of the future, a future. that only great minds like Leonid Korogodski can imagine.

Nathi’s battle against the cyber wizard and his legions must be fought both in the physical world we all know, and in the deep recesses of the mind that are unknown and possibly sinister.

For you sci-fi fans out there, you should know that Pink Noise differs from other Singularity books. Pink Noise does not subscribe to the idea that digital AIs could become superior to humans and that a complex mind requires consciousness.

Leonid Korogodski’s mind-blowing book, Pink Noise: A Posthuman Tale is a novel worthy of the prestigious Hugo Award. It is scientific in nature and fast-paced, and will take readers from skepticism to wondering, “Could this really happen?”

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