Lifestyle Fashion

Running with back pain or neck pain? 3 simple steps to relief

Running with back or neck pain is certainly not a pleasure. You focus on the pain instead of enjoying your special moment. Each footfall sends a lingering jolt to your lower back, neck, or between your shoulder blades. With no relief in sight, the miles tick by and you keep looking at your watch to see how long you’ve been on the road. Not funny at all. There are many causes of back pain and neck pain, especially in the athlete. In some cases, you can overcome the problem on your own. In other cases, you’ll need to seek help from a qualified professional, such as a chiropractor or sports medicine specialist. How do you know when to treat yourself and when to seek help? Here are some suggestions to follow before heading to the doctor’s office.

1. Work on your form. Running requires the maintenance of correct posture with tremendous muscular effort for long periods of time. Make sure to “think tall” when you run. A forward lean while running puts additional stress on the erector spinae muscles in the lower back, causing fatigue and predisposing them to injury and eventually back pain. Keep your shoulders down and relaxed. I see many runners shrugging their shoulders around their ears. Strains of the trapezius, levator scapulae, and neck muscles are a common result of this type of poor form, with neck pain being the end result. Lastly, keep your chest up and out. Avoid that burning pain between your shoulder blades by maintaining tone in your interscapular muscles. Keeping your chest up and out also expands your lung capacity.

2. Work on your flexibility and strength. Stretch your hamstrings. Almost everyone who has tight hamstrings has some form of lower back pain. This is because these muscles work in conjunction with the erector spinae muscles to keep you in an upright position. Gentle daily stretches of the hamstrings and calves can help relieve back pain. Strengthen your quads and abs. Running does not naturally develop the quadriceps or spinal stabilizing muscles like the abdominals. Do some cycling or lift weights. Do your abs. Increase the range of motion of your spine. Gently stretch your neck and lower back in the directions of forward flexion, backward extension, lateral flexion, and rotation. Roll your shoulders up and back and squeeze your shoulder blades together. You will feel a difference in your mid back immediately.

3. Work on your injuries. Get a massage. A good massage will help relieve back and neck pain, increase circulation to injured muscles, break down (nonfunctional) scar tissue, and speed healing. Use ice where it hurts. Ice is a natural pain reliever and anti-inflammatory treatment. Stay away from hot tubs for a couple of weeks. Heat is one of the components of inflammation. Your muscles may feel better while you’re in the tub, but it’s like pouring gasoline on a fire. Increase your intake of easily absorbed forms of calcium, magnesium, and potassium. They are muscle relaxants by nature. Vitamin D3 modulates the inflammatory response. Fish oil is an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids for muscle health and repair. Finally, make sure you get plenty of rest between workouts and at night. Seven to eight hours per night are needed. Your body will need more time to heal. You are healing more efficiently when you sleep.

When should you see a specialist?. If your back or neck pain continues a few weeks after following these suggestions, your injury may be more serious than you can handle alone. You may have a condition that involves more than just muscles. The health of the spine depends on the individual movement of each of its 24 vertebrae. When one of these joints is injured and doesn’t move like it’s supposed to, it can cause irritation of the nerves that run between the vertebrae. These nerves control all body functions, including the voluntary and involuntary muscles of the spine. Irritated nerves cause spasms in the muscles. The pain causes spasms. The condition in which abnormal joint function interferes with a nerve is called a “subluxation.” Chiropractors are doctors who specialize in relieving this condition without the use of drugs or surgery. Checking your spine for subluxations may be the key to breaking the injury/pain cycle for you. Back or neck pain takes all the pleasure out of running or any activity. By following these simple suggestions, you can find relief and once again enjoy a great sport and your special time. For a video edition of this article, click on the following link: Running with back pain? Relief

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