Real Estate

Secure your investment in construction

Protecting your construction site with a security presence can help prevent your site from experiencing vandalism or crime. Although most people don’t first think of the vulnerable nature of open construction sites, with expensive tools and materials on site, many contractors and workers on site throughout the workday with the added complexity of multiple entrances, criminals are attracted to these places. It is imperative to be aware of the security risks to construction sites and to be prepared and proactive when planning site management.

Although criminals often use the darkness of night to steal property and materials, not monitoring who comes and goes during the day can open a site up to greater risks. There is a rationale for site security both during the day and after hours. Many construction companies look for a security specialist and find the budget to secure the site during the work day and overnight when areas are most vulnerable. Regardless of your site’s location, investing in the security front end can save millions of dollars and valuable time required to successfully complete the project.

Security guards protect your materials

Everything that is left in plain sight and easily accessible is a temptation for criminals. Criminals often steal materials or tools that can be removed from a construction site and quickly resold for cash or returned for store credit as gift cards to home improvement stores. An armed guard can be a deterrent to criminal activity and provide a professional and experienced approach to any circumstance that occurs. There are specifically trained guards to protect your investment and ensure property and materials are protected.

Those most at risk are hand tools, construction equipment, lumber, bricks, finishing materials, wiring, and even vehicles. Also, if there is a small office on site, computers and office equipment are also at risk.

The larger the construction site, the more materials are likely to be available at any one time. It’s hard to notice small amounts of materials that have been stolen until later in the construction process; at that point, the actual theft is far in the past and nearly impossible to recover. It is nearly impossible to insure everything that would be tempting to a criminal looking to make a quick buck. Even if he could achieve this, there is still the problem of vandalism.

The security presence is also a deterrent to anyone who might consider vandalizing property or materials on your site. While not a direct loss of materials, the time and money required to remove or cover vandalism can affect a tight construction schedule. Again, in this situation, security can detect vandals by marking equipment or other property within the site boundaries.

Trained security professionals You already know what to look for and how to handle any situation that arises that could threaten your investment or your workers. Security guards are also trained to act and protect in emergencies, minimizing disruption to the site and project and any liability for misuse of the site.

Construction in progress is a significant investment, regardless of how large the project or how remote the location. Any open construction site is at risk. Having a reputable security company provide you with trained and professional guards minimizes the chance of your site being a victim of crime or vandalism. Hiring trained and well-trained security guards gives construction managers peace of mind after work hours and ensures that theft and vandalism do not cause production delays.

A security specialist can help you determine the best way to protect your investment during business hours and outside of business hours. Experienced construction site security guard staffing provides experience and knowledge with eyes trained to see potential hazards before they happen and the training to handle situations as they occur.

As large construction projects such as shopping malls, homes and venues take place, the question should not be IF there should be a security presence, but HOW MUCH a security presence is required to protect the investment made to carry out the project? project.

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