Teaching Yoga With Purpose – 200-Hour Online YTT Program

200-Hour Online YTT Program

Teaching yoga is a rewarding and fulfilling experience. However, it’s also a serious commitment and a big investment. Before you dive in, take the time to research your options and find a teacher training program that fits with your values and lifestyle. The best online YTT programs will offer quality, authenticity, and support. They will help you become a skilled, knowledgeable, and compassionate yoga teacher.

200hr ytt online programs offer the flexibility and convenience of studying yoga from anywhere in the world. They typically include a mix of live sessions, pre-recorded lectures and practices, homework assignments, and self-reflection prompts. These courses provide a comprehensive and engaging study of the yoga philosophy, the anatomy and physiology of the body, yoga sequencing, and teaching methodology.

Y7’s 200-Hour Online YTT is designed to fit into your busy life and includes a mix of live sessions, replays, and pre-recorded supporting content. The course is co-led by acclaimed yoga instructors David Procyshyn, Fiji McAlpine, and Tracey Noseworthy. They all have over 20 years of teaching experience and are well-respected educators in the yoga community.

Teaching Yoga With Purpose – 200-Hour Online YTT Program

The RYS-200 Course focuses on inclusivity and teaches you how to create a safe space for all students, regardless of age, ability, or unique physical needs. The curriculum focuses on building confidence in the practice and helping you feel at home in your own body. Y7 is committed to helping people of all backgrounds and abilities discover the transformative power of yoga.

YTT-200 is a comprehensive online yoga teacher training program that offers a unique blend of traditional and modern teachings. The YTT-200 program is taught by experienced teachers from around the world, and provides a high-quality education in the fundamentals of yoga. This YTT-200 program is suitable for all levels of practitioners, and it includes a rigorous immersion in the fundamentals of yoga philosophy, asana, and meditation.

YTT-200 is one of the most popular yoga teacher training programs for aspiring teachers because of its emphasis on inclusivity. It is a highly-rated program that will teach you how to create a safe and supportive environment for all students, no matter their age, ability, or unique physical limitations. The YTT-200 curriculum is made up of clear and efficient lesson videos, a home study section with practices and coursework, and live online sessions with seasoned teachers.

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