
Tips on caring for Humbug damsels

Damselfish (Dascyllus aruanus) are members of the Pomacentridae family. They inhabit the Indian Ocean, the Great Barrier Reef, and the shallow waters of the Micronesia subregions in the western Pacific Ocean.

This fish has a narrow, rounded body. Its distinctive features are a white body with black vertical bars. These markings are evenly spaced on the body of the fish, one in the front, one in the rear, and a third in the middle of the body. The sham is commonly traded in the aquarium industry under the names of the three-striped damsel, humbug dascyllus, or black-and-white damsel.

All damselfish have a tough build and a semi-aggressive temperament. They are an excellent option for the inexperienced hobbyist. The reasonable price of this damsel and its resistance to fluctuating environmental parameters make it the perfect guinea pig for testing survival in newly established saltwater biosystems.

In its natural environment, the hoax exists in small schools. The dominant male will often exhibit territorial behavior towards the more submissive members of the group. In an aquarium, it is recommended that humbugs be kept as a solitary fish or as a community of no fewer than four. Having only two together in an aquarium will result in serious aggression towards the subdominant fish. A group will substantially reduce the chance of a particular fish being singled out as a target for harassment.

Damsels are instinctively territorial. You don’t want to make a group of them the first inhabitants of an aquarium. This will allow the bank to develop the perception that the news environment is its territory. They will be intolerant of new additions to your tank. When keeping more than one hoax, it is advisable to add them to a preset population. This will minimize the possibility of territorial disputes. Lots of hiding places will also prove beneficial.

The damsel tends to become more aggressive as she gets older. It is not uncommon for a youth bank to dissolve in adulthood. This is a small species. They reach a maximum adult length of 4 inches. His innate aggressive behavior makes up for his short stature. They will not back down to a fish twice their size. Take your temperament into account when selecting your potential tankmates. In fact, they are very good community fish as long as they are with equally aggressive species of their own size or larger.

Despite their aggressive tendencies, humbugs are suitable for a marine reef setting. In their natural environment, they make their homes amidst the coral formation prevalent in tropical reefs. They will feel at home in an aquarium with many corals growing in it. It is unlikely that a hoax will attack you on ornamental crustaceans.

This is an omnivorous species. In nature, algae play an important role in your dietary intake. They are not picky eaters in captivity. They will easily eat flake and granular foods. Supplementing your diet with vitamin-enriched brine shrimp and dried seaweed flakes will help maintain your natural vigor.

There are no distinguishing characteristics between males and females of this species. However, like all damsels, they are hermaphrodites. Your ability to change gender will ensure that both sexes are always present in a population. This fish is known to breed in captivity.

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