Lifestyle Fashion

Treating Candida Infections With Colloidal Silver

Candida infections are the most common fungal infections that affect humans. Candida is the name of a group of yeasts (a type of fungus) that commonly infect the skin. The name ‘Candida’ refers to the white color of the organisms in culture. It is a normal inhabitant of the human digestive tract from early childhood, where it lives without causing any disease most of the time. It is normally controlled by beneficial bacteria in the intestines that act as host defense. However, if the bacteria-fungus balance is disturbed, for example by the use of antibiotics, or if the immune system is compromised, an overgrowth of Candida can occur, resulting in an infection. The infection results in the release of powerful chemicals into the bloodstream, causing symptoms as varied as lethargy, chronic diarrhea, yeast vaginitis, bladder infections, muscle and joint pain, menstrual problems, constipation, and severe depression. In addition, it can cause infection of the mucosa (the lining of the mouth, anus, and genitals), the skin, and, rarely, a deep infection. Although both men and women can get Candida infections, however, it occurs more often in women (especially young women) with more serious effects.

Fungal infections are more common today than ever. There are a number of reasons for this. People are living longer, and older people are more likely than younger people to have compromised immune systems, a major risk factor for fungal infection. Similarly, the widespread use of antibiotics has contributed to the increased rate of infection (fungal infections are known to occur after antibiotic therapy, which has the effect of killing the beneficial bacteria that fungi normally suppress). Cases of Candida infections are also on the rise. Candida species are true opportunistic pathogens that take advantage of recent technological advances to access the circulation and deep tissues. Several other factors can lead to an overgrowth of Candida. Steroids such as cortisone (Decadron or other cortisone-type drugs) suppress the ability of the immune system to fight the growth of Candida. The immune system can also be weakened in people infected with HIV. Prolonged use of birth control pills or injections, or pregnancy is also conducive to the growth of candida. Candida infection can be due to a general weakness, for example, from cancer or malnutrition. Another cause of Candida overgrowth can be a low culture of Acidophilus and Bifidus in the colon. It is imperative that there are enough of these two friendly bacteria in the system to control Candida overgrowth. Once the level of these friendly bacteria is reduced, the Candida fungus takes over. Iron deficiency is also considered one of the reasons for yeast infection.

Treatment of severe and life-threatening invasive Candida infection continues to be severely hampered by delays in diagnosis and the lack of reliable diagnostic methods that allow detection of both fungemia and tissue invasion by Candida species. The diagnosis of a yeast infection can often be achieved by the presence of symptoms alone. However, to confirm the diagnosis, samples of the fungus must be identified under a microscope. During this test, scrapings or smears of tissue from the skin, nails, oral mucosa, and vaginal mucosa are taken and identified with low-power microscopic examination, a process that gives immediate results.

Once a Candida infection is diagnosed, your treatment depends on where you are. People with skin infections are usually told to keep the affected areas as dry as possible until the infection clears up. Doing so may mean changing out of your wet bathing suit or damp exercise clothes as soon as possible. There are antifungal shampoos available, as well as antifungal mouthwashes. The infection does not always respond quickly to these treatments and may recur when the topical application is discontinued.

The main theme of the treatment of Candida infection is the strengthening of the human immune system. Colloidal silver is the right choice in this regard, as it is well known for its ability to fight fungal infections. Colloidal silver is nothing more than very fine particles of pure silver, suspended in water. Colloidal silver has antimicrobial properties. Much research has recently been done on how it works. Certain bacteria are essential for healthy bodily function, such as acidophilus. Several researchers claim that colloidal silver only attacks hostile pathogens and will not harm friendly bacteria. But one must wonder how it can be differentiated. One explanation is that friendly bacteria are aerobic, while unfriendly bacteria are anaerobic. Furthermore, it is said that silver does not directly attack bacteria, but instead breaks down certain enzymes that are required by anaerobic bacteria, viruses, yeasts, and molds. The silver acts as a catalyst and is not consumed in the process. It is likely that the reason bacteria cannot develop a resistance to silver, as they do to antibiotics, is because silver does not attack them directly, but instead destroys the enzymes on which they depend. This is in stark contrast to normal antibiotics, which also kill beneficial bacteria.

The germ fighting properties of colloidal silver have been adopted in soap making and such soaps are all the rage. Regular use of such soap not only helps to keep the skin clean and healthy, but also improves the body’s immune system, which prevents future Candida infections. Even dermatologists recommend colloidal silver soaps for patients with yeast infection. However, one must be selective while purchasing such soaps. Soaps containing colloidal silver with 20 ppm are considered the best for daily use and have an optimal effect in fighting Candida infection.

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