Digital Marketing

What is a pod?

A podlet is a small digital media file that can be embedded in one or more podcasts for playback on personal computers or portable media players.

Podlet’s vision

Closely related to the concept of sharing items, podlets are a way to spread a single burst of inspiration across the world wide web.

Maybe you wake up in the middle of the night and have a “WOW” experience. You have a great inspiration to create something, you work on it, you push it and then it happens. Once your creativity has been kicked out, how do you get it seen, how do you show it to others?

If you start your own blog, this inspiration may be one of the only posts you write. Maybe someone will notice it, and others will mention it, and it will be popular, but how do you notice it in the first place?
Podlets are a way to put your inspirational idea, joke, funny quotes, or just simple comments into a condensed format. You can think of it almost like article syndication, only with a multimedia (audio/video) twist. You don’t have to come up with an amazing idea every day. You only need one or two ideas each time they come to you. You send your original creative idea to a centralized place. Podcasters collect this information and mold it for their podcast and viola!

What podcasts are not

Podlets are not intended to convey marketing/promotional messages. Although it is recommended that some kind of fair attribution be given to the author of the podlet. Podlets should not be confused with advertising. A podcast should enhance the podcast listener’s experience. Provides an opportunity for jokes, comments and interactivity.

podlet examples

* A trivia question, posed to a podcaster, with pauses for the podcaster to answer and guess the answer and then a response, “were you right?”

* A joke or parody inserted between plays of two songs within a podcast

* A short story, perhaps used as a segway between sections of the podcast.

* A pre-recorded movie or book review as part of a “review” section of an existing podcast

Podlets aren’t just limited to audio media, and can also be used to distribute small videos to a wide range of podcasters.

Add flavor to your podcasts?

Just like the right spice can make your food more flavorful, a podlet can help spice up your existing podcast. To get started, simply grab this OPML file which contains a list of podlets you can subscribe to

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