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When in Rome – How to do what the Romans do

The phrase ‘When in Rome, do as the Romans do’ has made its way into the English language to encourage travelers to try the local customs and cuisine. While it is a very liberating expression that gets many tourists in the right spirit, it seems to have distanced itself from its roots and its Italian hometown.

All of which begs the question, what should and shouldn’t someone in Rome do?

The main misstep is to act as if you are still in your home country: there is no need to compare objects, landscapes or food with what you would have at home, just enjoy the moment and embrace new experiences.

One of the main places to let go of your knowledge and immerse yourself deeply in the local culture is when you go out to eat. If there’s something on a menu you haven’t tried, or something you’re not sure about, now is the time to experiment. You’ll also find that typical Italian food, pasta dishes and pizzas in particular, are cooked to a much higher standard in Italy, so even if it’s something you’d ignore from a bland British menu, trying it the way it should be cooked can open your eyes to a new way of eating.

Other types of food to watch out for include suppli (fried balls of mozzarella, rice, and tomato), gnocchi (savory dumplings), and tiramisu (a must-try coffee-flavored cake in Italy).

Because Italians have been cooking their food for countless years, they know how it should be prepared. Although the American habit of customizing menus to suit the diner – ‘wait for the mayo’, ‘can I have this without…?’ – it’s something that’s becoming more common in the UK, it’s something that’s still frowned upon in Italy. They serve their dishes in a traditional way and asking for their recipes to be changed will be offensive.

To accompany your meal, never order a cappuccino, unless you are having breakfast. For the Italians, the inventors of the drink, cappuccino is purely a morning drink and ordering it after 11am will get you staring fun and lots of groans.

If you decide to go ahead with an afternoon cappuccino, remember to order your drink at the bar, as getting table service can triple your bill at some establishments.

It is recommended that before travelers arrive in Italy, even if they leave it to the last minute while on their flights to Rome, they make a list of all the things they want to try and the foods they want to try. while on vacation. Carrying a list of things not to do or say is sometimes worth it.

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